Chapter 9

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I woke up to my annoying alarm. I didn't want to get get up until I remembered what is happening today. The baseball match. I got up quickly and got ready.
I went downstairs and I didn't see my dad yet so I went back upstairs "dad?" It was quiet I was walking to his bedroom door. That is until I  heard a response "what?" I was about to knock until he opened the door "oh nothing you just weren't downstairs. Are you ready for today though?"
"That I am! Come on let's get going we got to warm up! We can get something to eat after our win" I nodded as we both went downstairs, but I went straight to the kitchen to get a snack. I walked out the front door with my dad locking the door behind me.


We arrived at the sandlot and everyone was there already practicing. Once me and my dad walked in everyone stopped and came to greet us. Benny ran to me and gave me a hug. "Hey" he said "hey" I replied.
"How we feeling guys?" My dad asked as he took a seat on a bench. "GREAT!" "AMAZING" the guys said "GOOD. Now let me see you guys play and I'll teach you some secret tricks" my dad said while clapping his hands. "Hey uh are you going ti be playing?" Benny asked, sending shivers down my back, crouching so he can be the same level as me talking in my ear since the guys were being loud. "No I'm not. It's not my fight. I'll be on the be on the side cheering you guys on" I smiled at him and he smiled back.
His. Smile.
I love that smile.
They all played for a while while the babe was giving them the tips and tricks he was talking about.


Everyone walked their bikes to the game since it wasn't that far. Everyone was up ahead while I decided to stay behind until someone joined me.
It was Smalls. "Hey y/n" I looked up from looking at the ground "oh hey Smalls! Are you nervous for this game?" He nodded " yeah I am actually Phillip kinda scares me. If it weren't for Benny I probably would've been dead meat" I was confused on what he meant by that "what do you mean by that?" He looked down
"it was a a couple days after I joined the sandlot and everyone was going to home so I decided to go home first. As soon as I stepped foot out of the sandlot Phillip and his gang circled around me with their bikes and started pushing me around and Phillip grabbed my hat and threw it on the road and told me to go get it. After he said that Benny came out and saved me telling them to go away and stuff. Benny is nice guy you know?"
I felt bad for Smalls because he's the nicest person I've ever met.

"I'm sorry about the Smalls Phillips a jerk and yeah Benny is a nice guy..." it was silent for a bit "he likes you too you know" my eyes widened "what?!" I played dumb.
"He likes you when you're near he gets all gushy and nervous plus once you enter his eyes are always on you and he never takes them off. I can say the same for you too. So my advice is bro just tell each other how you both feel." He patted my back and fought up the the guys leaving me in shock as I looked at Benny seeing that his eyes were on mine for a moment.



Everyone was gathering up. As soon as we got there people automatically ran to my dad asking for his autograph and pictures. Phillip caught up to us "ready to lose LOSERS!" He laughed while walking away.We went to the the visitor dugout and all the players were getting ready.


Its time. They were out on the field I cheered them on. Ham was the catcher I noticed he kept talking to the batter. I laughed as the batter got mad at ham.
After a while it was bennys turn.
I'm nervous.
I don't know why Benny is an amazing baseball player. They all are.
The ball was coming towards him.
Home run.
I cheered as he ran. My dad did as well.


They won. I ran out towards Benny as he dropped his gloves and ran to hug me picking me up. He put me down "you guys won! I knew you guys would win." We're both smiling "I'm happy you stayed by our side y/n" he said softly "of course Benny. I'll always be by guy's side." He rested his forehead on mine and he brushed his thumb on my cheek.
"Okay love birds let's go celebrating tonight at the carnival!! But first we must get food." Everyone jumped in excitement. We walked down to a near by restaurant and sat on an outside table.

Ham Smalls    Benny    Squints   Bertram.     Timmy   

          Babe        Y/n       Yeah-yeah   Kenny      repeat

Of course Timmy had to squeeze in which was funny to watch. We all ordered our food and everyone got burgers and fries with a coke.
I love today.
My dad was telling his stories about his baseball training and everyone he met and all the guys were listening while eating. I was too even tho I've heard most of them but I'll never get sick of them.
After we all full and finished we decided to go home and get ready for the carnival. Benny didn't come this time because the guys dragged him away.

"So you really like him huh" my dad spoke as I froze when those words left his mouth "come on I'm your dad! I know when you like someone. Plus young love is cute ! You guys remind me of me and your mother ! We're always to scared to tell each other our true feelings but we'd always be off giggling and sneaking around" I smiled remembering my mother and how he was and always deeply in love with her. They were perfect for each other. "I miss her." He put his arm around me "me too kiddo" my mom died when I was 8 she was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and she loved to make jokes.

"So?" I looked up at him " 'so?' " I was confused "do you like the boy?" I smiled "I do." His gripped light on my shoulder "good I like him." I giggle as we made it home. I walked in making my way upstairs to get cleaned up and ready for the carnival.


Here y'all go😏🙏🏽 Benny needa pull a move 😩 like stop playinnn🙄 OKAY GOODBYE LOVE YOU GUYS 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 (if i made any mistakes just ignore them it's 9am and I haven't slept🫡.)

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 15 ⏰

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•my secret• Benny Rodriguez x Reader जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें