~chapter 3~

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~y/n POV~

?: what did you say?
Y/n: you heard me!

B: you play?
Y/n: yeah! Baseball it's my favorite sport!

He smiled at me, so did I

?: but YOU'RE A GIRL!
Y/n: excuse me?!
B: guys come on let her try!
?: whatever

I roll my eye and grab the bat.
I kept my eye on the ball, as they throw the ball I hit it hard as I could. I hit a homer run! I ran as fast as I could. When I hit home they all looked shocked.

~Benny POV~
Woah she's amazing I never seen anything like it! I love how her hair blew when she ran and w-wait I'm not falling for her I barely even know her...
~end of POV~

B: guys what do you think
?: she's in
Y/n: told ya!

I say while I cross my arms and smirk

Y/n: so what you dorks name anyways?
B: okay we have yeah-yeah, squints, ham, Timmy and Tommy, Bertram, deNunez, and Smalls!

He says while pointing at them as he says their name they all cross their arms and some spit on the ground.

Ham: let's play!
Y/n: but- alright

"I guess I'll deal with my eye when I get home" I thought
*skip to when we were done*
Everyone was walking home until it was just me and Benny.

B: I'm sorry if they seemed rude
Y/n: hey it's alright

We looked each other in the eye for a couple minutes then we smiled and blushed we looked away still smiling. We were outside our house's

Y/n: will I see you at the sandlot tomorrow?
B: I won't be there sadly
Y/n:can I ask why?
B: I'm going to a baseball game and guess what!
Y/n: what?
B: I'm going to met THE BABE! Babe Ruth is going!
Y/n: w-wow sound really exciting!
B: hey I'll buy you something from there
Y/n: okay *I say as I giggle*
B: bye y/n
Y/n: bye beeny

We both smiled at each other and went inside
At the same time my dad came home

BR: hey sweetie
Y/n: oh hey dad!
BR: I'm sorry to tell you this but I'm going to another game
Y/n: can I go?

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