"its going to be okay Soph nothings going to happen your dad won't do anything to you just stay at my house as long as you want" Abigail offered.

"Abi I can't do that he will find me like he always does you know how he is he won't stop until he finds me and that's when he really gets mad and hurts me more than what he usually does" I sobbed.

"Soph you can't keep living like this" she said sincerely.

"I know Abi but I have to, I know my parents are still inside who use to love me I just have to keep trying"

"ABIAGIL" yelled Taylor.

"Soph I have to go Im really sorry"

"yea no its fine i'll talk to you later"

Abi gave me a quick hug and walked back where Taylor was yelling if only I had the chance to hug Abi one last time i'll Cherish it more.

Abi knows everything about me from the beatings I get from my aggressive father and when my sister died. From then me being raped by a boy who I thought really loved me, he raped me at one of his friends party I tried pushing him off of me but it was no use he was stronger than me. I try not to think of that night as it still haunts me I still get nightmares til this day. At that time i was only 17, I soon found out that him and his sick friends made a bet about me if he could take away my virginity by pretending to love me.

I sighed and turned around and opened the door to be met with a cold breeze and chills ran down my pale skin tears flooding down my bear face. I walked along the side walk sadly looking at people as they past by with the ones they loves laughing and talking like everything was fine. But sadly for me I was going home to get a beaten from my father.

I push the front door open to be hit with a very strong smell of alcohol and bottles scattered along the floor. I walk further in to see my father and mother sitting on the couches passed out, so I decided I would start my work from now by cleaning this mess up.

Literally 2 hours later everything was finally done.

As I was sitting on the stool in the kitchen with my eyes trying to stay open I hear rough foot steps my father walks in and walks over to me and grabs me by my hair and tugs me to the floor and starts kicking me in my bruised up stomach.

"GET UP WHORE" He yelled making a flinch.

"Please. please stop I beg you" I said with fear in my voice.

"GET THE FUCK UP NOW" He roared.

I pulled my self to my knees and then grab onto the stool and pulled my self up. My dried up tears were now refreshed with new ones.

"Come here" my father said.

"Yes father"

I slowly walked to my father with my head down holding my stomach.

"Do you know what you are" he questioned.

I shake my head mumbling 'no' because my throat was dry and blocked.

"You are little piece of shit, that her own parents don't even like. LOOK AT YOU. YOU ARE FILTH"

"You ruined us after your dear sister died" He spoke madly.

I felt my self stiffen after hearing what he said. Everything felt like it was caging in on me, I felt my self getting agitated. I prayed to god that someone was listening and to make it stop.


He started walking towards me with murder on his face.

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