The man in the moon

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I was cleaning for sun when all the lights shut off "what the?" I said in confusion, I started cleaning again with a flashlight in hand when I saw something above me, I raised my flashlight towards it, I ran when I saw it wasn't sun, I didn't know who that was but I probably didn't want to find out. I was behind the counter when all of a sudden the thing JUMPS onto the counter, "naughty naughty, you can't just run from me" it said jumping like a psycho. " what do you want from me!?" I asked panicked, it responded saying "I'm moon, suns... brother, let's call it". "Answer my question first MOON!" I said  angered about how he dodged the question. "Naughty one I don't want anything with you, you can assure that." While he said that I turned the lights back on and sun... was finally back.

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