Chapter One: Intro

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It all goes back to when they first started hanging out. This was about a year ago. It was like an immediate connection between the two of them. It was clear from the first time I saw them together. Their smiles doubled in size and their laughs were practically caramelized with joy. They were perfect for each other. Everyone could see that. Same humor, same smile, same interests. It was always clear as day. They were absolutely perfect for each-other.

The only problem is I'm not her. I'm in the relationship with him... but I'm not her. My best friend, Sky. She's short, feisty, friendly, and has a great sense of humor. Anyones dream best friend, honestly. I often question why she chose me to be her best friend. I'm quiet, reserved, and have a people pleasing tendency, which people often confuse with me being fake. Two personalities that should clash, but don't. I normally chalk this up to us knowing each other since grade school. We've always been close. Like two different birds that grew up in the same nest. Back to the main problem. She the perfect best friend.

She's perfect.

She's the perfect one for him.

Yet I'm the one dating him. The smile he flashes me isn't the same as the one he shows her. A smile yes, but it's a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. It's a smile filled with pity. His laugh sounds forced, and our conversations are minimum.

He hates me.

He loves her.

It's not like Im not blind to the peering gazes of my classmates in the hall. Their sharp eyes on my back as I walk from each class with him by my side. Whispers of, "why are they still together," and, "he looks better with Sky." My shoulders hunch in further. I peer at the linoleum floor, and count the steps to my next class. I glance over to my left. We're an awkward distance apart, and he's refused to speak the whole walk.

My hand tightens. Little moon crescents from my fingernails embed themselves into my palm.

I should let him go. He's not happy anymore. I don't want to hold him back from what he actually wants...


This is a story about a guy and girl. One who fell out of love. And one who feels guilty for holding on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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