Part two: Paris

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Chapter eight

"Alright. Remember, no one gets hurt, alright? And if there's cop cars, don't shoot the god damn driver, shoot the engine block. We don't want to go to prison for first degree murder too. Now, everyone remember the plan?" Angélo asked. Everyone gave a brief nod. There were five of us. Enzö was the driver, me and Lëon were the money grabbers, and Angélo and Fabíen were the ones that took control of the employees and the customers. So far, the plan the Drake had made up seemed to be a great plan.

"Lets do this then." Said Angélo. Me and Léon got out of the car, without guns or masks on. We were in the opposite side of the street where the bank was. We walked towards it, and crossed the street.

"Hey Arvin!" I heard a girls voice say behind me. Oh fuck. I turned around and saw that it was Chloë. Oh no no no no no no. This wasn't good.

"Take care of this. I'll go in by my fucking self." I heard Léon whsper to me. I took a step towards Chloë while Léon continued on towards the bank.

"Hey Chloë." I gave her a fake smile.

"Hey Arvin. Hey, why don't you come and have lunch with me? It's just down the street."

"sorry, but I'm busy. I have to go to work soon." I pointed towards the bank.

"Work? I thought you were just a tourist?" she asked suspicously.

"Haha.... I guess I didn't tell you that I'm a bank assesment agent. I make sure they're not you know, doing anything ilegal." I quickly lied.

"Oh I see then. Well, call me later then, and saé lá vé." she smiled and handed me a slip of paper containing her phone number. Then she walked away.

With her gone, I walked towards the bank and joined Léon. He looked at me and shook his head. He looked dissapointed that I had already made new "friends" that would endanger the success of the mission.

"She taken care of?" Léon asked grufly.

"Yeah. Let's go." I replied. We both walked in at the same time and pretended to stand in line for the cashier. I reached into my pocket and pressed a tiny button on a remote in my pocket, signaling to Angélo and Fabíen that we were in our positions.

A minute passed by. I had thoughts that maybe the police had come, and that it was only a matter of seconds before they came and arrested me and Léon. Now THAT would be really really bad.

Two armed masked men came in, crashing my train of thoughts.

"Get down on the fucking ground now!" One of the men yelled. I was guessing that it was Angélo, since Fabién was never a swearer, from what I've heard him so for the last few hours. He was usually calm and quiet, and preffered to keep to himself at all times.

"I SAID GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND!!" Angélo yelled again, while Fabién jumped the counter and made sure none of the cashiers placed a distress call. Everyone else followed Angélos directions, even me and Léon, and layed down on the ground, with our backs facing the air. Fabién told the cashiers to stand up and go to the lobby. They did.

"Which one of you can open the god damn safe?" Angélo asked them. No one said a word, or even raised their hand.

"Oh so you wanna play that way huh?" he grabbed me by my neck. He pretended to be choking me, but in reality, I was just faking it.

"If someone doesn't raise their hand in one minute, I'll fucking blow his brains out!!!" Angélo screamed. He aimed his gun at my head to make a point. This was going good. Half a minute passed before a petite blonde woman nervously raised her hands.

"Ah, now that's the spririt!" Angélo said heartily. I couldn't see through his mask, but i knew he was smiling. "Now come with me." he took the girl and shoved her towards Fabién. He pointed to me and Léon.

"You two! Go with him and fill these bags up." Angélo said to us, while giving us three duffel bags each. We followed his orders and went with Fabién. So far things were doing great.

Fabíen led us to behind the counter and into the vault room. There was a giant vault door separrating us and the money. In the center of the door was a electronic combination lock. Fabién pushed the blonde towards the keypad.

"Open it." he said angrily. The blonde didn't waste anytime. She punched in the combination, then pressed enter. The door gave a low hiss, then opened slowly. A mist smoke escaped from the sides of the door, probably from the engine that opened the door. Fabién took the blonde back to Angélo and then came back to us.

"You know what to do." he said, pointing into the vault room. I went inside.

There were huge pipes of money on the shelves. We weren't in view of the lobby, so I couldn't see how Angélo was doing with the hostages. I threw a bag to Fabién, and he started to fill it up with cash. Léon did the same. I went to the door ahead from the vault door, and opened it with my shirt, careful not to get any fingerprints on it. In the room was a big computerlike console. USB flashdrives were plugged into it, which I guessed contained all the security footage. I took them all out and crushed them underneath my foot. I went back to the room Léon and Fabién were in. The bags were almost completely full.

"Lets go." Fabién said, throwing a mask and a duffel bag to me. I slipped the mask on and followed Léon and Fabién out of the vault. Angélo still had things under control. I motioned to him to come with us. We left the bank and headed for the car. I heard sirens in the backround, but I took no notice of them. All that mattered to me now was that I was richer by about 3 million euros.

Chapter nine

I felt like a new person. I felt like I could do whatever the fuck I wanted to do. I no longer had to worry about money anymore, and I no longer had to worry about anyone bossing me around. And when Grace would come, my life would be set. It would just me and her, together, forever. And she would come tomorrow.

I looked around the vast room inside the house which I had just bought. It had cost me a hefty 1 million euros, but it was well worth it. The house came already equiped with furniture, so i didnt have to worry about wasting my time buying them. I couldn't wait to see the look on. grace's face when she saw what kind of house she would be living in. I just hoped she wouldn't ask any questions after that.

I walked towards the window. A gentle breeze went in the room. The window provided a great view of the Eiffel Tower, and the small river that ran beside it. For a moment I thought I had seen a person looking at me through binoculars, and I panicked slightly. I relaxed when I realized that no one knew that I had done anything wrong at all, and that if drake had gone ahead and rattled on us, I would be able to bring him down with me. My phone rang in my pocket, crashing my train of thoughts. I took it out and looked at the number. It was Drake.

"Hello?" I said.

"Ah Arvin. So the job went well, I take it?" he asked.

"Yeah." I replied. I didn't know why he was asking me that, especially since he was probably at his mansion, with two duffel bags stuffed with €5 million each.

"Hey, you want to go again?" he asked playingly.

"What!?" I yelled furiously at Drake. "This was a one time deal Drake! I ain't working for your shitty crew anymore!"

"Alright alright. Calm down. It was just an offer." he said assuringly.

"I have enough already Drake, I don't need anymore."

"Just be careful Arvin. Don't get caught." he said, then hung up.

I thought about his words for a second. "don't get caught." Was he threatening me? No. He wouldn't.

I heard a knock at the front door. Who was this? I approached it. It was 8:00 pm. I approached the door and opened it. It was Chloë.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2011 ⏰

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