With one last push, this one with a bit of the Force behind it, Luke finally pulled Vader high enough to wrap the older man's limp arm over his shoulders. Luke squeaked in alarm as the entire weight of Vader collapsed onto his back, making a sweat break out onto his forehead. However, Luke's determination beat out his smaller frame and he dragged his father forward as gently as he could. The turbolift opened for the duo automatically, Luke using the wall of the contraption to lean Vader and himself against whilst they moved. Vader's helmet lolled on top of Luke's head, another wheeze and faint gasp of pain in full range of Luke's hearing. Biting his lip and casting nervous eyes towards his father, Luke fought the urge to cry out in relief as the lift door finally slid open. A ship was visible from his vantage point and he tensed his shoulders in determination. If they could make it to the ship and fly off, Luke could get medical attention for both himself and his father as soon as possible. It would be an interesting scene trying to convince the Alliance of Vader's trustworthiness, but Luke was determined on making sure his father lived.

Pushing Vader forward as much as he could accomplish, Luke couldn't help but think of how pitiful they must have looked as they limped together. As they got nearer to the ship, Luke suddenly noticed the officers and troopers scrambling around in a panic, not even bothering to cast a second look at Luke and Vader. The only reason the Imperials would be running around like that was if...the Rebels! How could he forget? They were still going to blow up the Second Death Star and his father and he were still onboard. A bit more frantic now, Luke allowed the adrenaline to kick in and practically dragged his limp father farther and faster. When they finally reached the ramp, Luke tugged upwards against gravity in the futile attempt to pull his father inside. Despite his efforts, his size worked against him and he abruptly collapsed from the weight overcoming him.

Almost on the brink of hyperventilation, Luke hurriedly turned Vader onto his back and began pushing him up the ramp instead, the metal of the suit sliding up the ramp with ease. He would've been triumphant if it wasn't for the sudden grip of a hand on his wrist, the robotic limb squeezing tight in order to grab Luke's attention. Blue eyes shot down in surprise only to find Vader's ocular lenses staring emotionlessly up at him.

"Luke. Help me...take this mask off." With his life force draining, all Vader could think of was how he had never actually seen his son. He was too weak to carry on and he knew the Alliance would rather die than treat his injuries. The least the Force could do was grant him just a bit of time.

Luke's eyes widened as he took in his father's words. "But you'll die..."

"Nothing...can stop that now," Vader whispered with guilt and regret laced in his mechanical voice, it being the only thing making up for the lack of emotion in his masked face. "Just for once, let me...look on you with my own eyes." Was Luke truly blonde? Were those eyes as blue as he thought they were? The damned red tint to his ocular lenses was the biggest curse of all; he needed to see, he was running out of time. Why wouldn't the boy listen?

Luke took a deep breath, still in both physical and mental shock, and nodded. There was something about the pleading in his father's voice that drove him to comply. This was his final wish; Luke had to fulfill it. Pale, trembling hands curled around the black helmet and lifted the top part of it to reveal scarred, stark white skin.

Swallowing tightly, Luke braced himself to remove the facial part of the mask, the part which held his father's dying life support. Ever so delicately, Luke pulled back the mask, wincing at the needles pulling out from Vader's sun-deprived skin. To Vader's surprise, instead of recoiling, Luke's face instantly softened, his blue eyes crinkling as he stared at a living, breathing human, not a machine. The damage to the face was permanent and terrifying, but Luke had never been more grateful for this moment with his true father, the man underneath the metal. The same, child-like hands that had pried the helmet off gently brushed Vader's cheek before landing on his shoulder for reassurance.

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