Unexpected Solutions [Maverick X Reader]

Start from the beginning

"I wasn't expecting you - let alone here, at my doorstep," You greet with a soft smile, though it quickly fades, replaced by a questioning frown.

"I know. Sorry I didn't call ahead. I guess I should've taken your number the first time we met," Pete apologizes, taking off his sunglasses to raise his green gaze to yours, sincerity shining within.

"How in the world did you get my address, Lieutenant?"

The one they call Maverick shifts his weight from foot to foot, a grimace of a smirk tugging at his lips.

"I may have pulled some records... I have my ways. After all, you need me for your report, right?"

At this, you frown, through you inwardly smile, a fondness swelling within you.

"Yes, I do," You reply simply, stepping aside and gesturing past you, trying to usher him inside.

Though Pete makes no move to follow, his smirk widening.

"It'd be a shame to sit inside and talk when it's such a nice night," The pilot muses, a playful urging in his tone. "How about we go for a ride? I know a few places."

All you can do is stand there for a moment, blinking a few times to process the words you'd just heard from the man literally standing on your doorstep.

Man, he's good.

You've got to give him props for this - showing up unannounced and then offering to take you for a ride from the angle that you need his explanation?

Allowing your grin to show this time, you nod, stepping back inside slightly to grab your keys.

"If you say so, Maverick," You chuckle. "Just let me grab my notebook and-"

"No need," He hollers back in reply, causing you to stop in your tracks, turning to face him. "I've gotcha covered."

And in his grasp sits a pen and notepad, a knowing smirk on his lips.

Shaking your head with a chuckle, you sigh, stepping out onto the front porch and shutting the door behind you, before continuing on down the driveway towards the curb where he'd parked moments ago.

"I'll be honest about a few things here," You muse aloud, meeting Pete's enthusiastic gaze. "For one, I would've never taken you to be the type of guy to pull off a stunt like this."

The brunet just laughs.

"And two, I've never been on a motorcycle in my life."

"You'll be fine, I've got you, remember?" Maverick encourages warmly, clambering onto the bike before offering a hand to you.

It takes you a moment to clamber on behind him, but when he finally takes off down the street, forcing you to cling to his torso to avoid smacking into the pavement below rushing by, you can't help but gradually begin to feel free.

"So?" You yell over the wind, leaning towards the driver a bit more, your grip around him becoming tighter as he takes a corner. "Where to?"

The only reply you get is a cheeky grin back at you in the mirrors.

One that, much to your surprise, tugs at something you haven't felt in a long, long time.


The sun is long gone now, instead replaced by the soft glow of the Moon and the stars of the sky - glimmering all in their own unique way.

The breeze has picked up a bit, leaving you to silently regret not grabbing a jacket.

Though as you sit beneath the light of the Moon and the stars, coupled with the warm glow of the lights strung together on the outdoor patio you're currently at and the presence of the man across from you, you're finally beginning to feel at ease.

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