When Ashton emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, I looked away, trying to put any dirty thought out of my mind, I barely know him, I shouldn't be thinking badly. My phone buzzed and Richard asked where I was, but I didn't bother to reply to his text, he would just be mad. My phone buzzed again and I opened the message from Calum.

'Did you get home alright? Never saw you after the game'

I shifted in my seat and thought if I should tell him I was at his friend's house. It wouldn't hurt, it wasn't like Calum was anything but a friend.

'Actually I woke up this morning with Ashton????? Don't know how that happened'

I sent the text and shoved my phone into my pocket. Ashton was completely dressed now, trying to towel dry his hair.

"You can take a shower if you want, you smell of alcohol."I nodded and headed towards the bathroom. I started the water and closed the door, observing myself in the mirror, I looked like a wreck. My hair was sticking out in different directions and there were dark bags under my eyes, slowly retreating.

I adjusted the water before stripping of my clothes and getting in. I was forced to use the old spice body wash that was in the cabinet and the raspberry scented shampoo. I didn't mind, they both smelled really nice. After a few minutes I turned the shower off and wrapped a towel around myself. I dried myself off and began to put on my clothes from yesterday. When I held my pants up to my nose I almost gagged, they smelled strongly of alcohol. I refused to put them back on as I walked out of the bathroom, letting my long hair fall over Ashton's shirt.

I walked out of the bathroom and into Ashton's room. He was sitting on his bed, texting with his eyes furrowed together. I coughed lightly and he looked over at me. Examining my legs before averting his eyes to meet my own.

"Do you have any shorts or something I can borrow? My pants smell like whiskey and who knows what else." He nodded before opening his dresser and pulling out a pair of gym shorts, exactly like his except purple and light blue, I thanked him and pulled them on, rolling the waistline up so they ended right above my knees.

"Hungry?"Ashton asked and I nodded my head, he took my hand and led me downstairs and into his massive kitchen, probably three time the size of the small one back at my house.

He began to pull different items from the fridge and a few pans, cracking four eggs into a bowl and adding some milk. I watched as he poured the eggs into the pan and then proceeded to put a few slices of bacon into the microwave.

As Ashton finished scrambling the eggs, the doorbell rang. "You can get something to drink out of the fridge." I nodded and took a bite of bacon from the plate in front of me. I searched through the fridge for the milk Ashton had used but couldn't find it. I gave up but remembered he hadn't put it back in the fridge yet. I took the milk and set it on the island, searching for a glass to pour the milk into.

I finally gave up and began the journey to the front of the house to ask Ashton. "Hey Ashton, where are the cups?" I looked at Ashton's tight figure and it wasn't until he turned around that I recognized the three figures standing in front of him. Calum, Luke, and Michael. Calum stared at me then stared at my choice of clothing. "Nevermind, I'll just find them." I mumbled after they all continued to stare at me.

I stalked back towards the kitchen and searched the cabinets, finding the cups on the top shelf. Even on my tiptoes, I was unable to reach the glasses. I sighed and pulled myself on top of the counter, bending my legs under myself. I reached onto the top shelf and pulled down a small glass cup.

"Lauren, how many times have I told you not to-" I looked towards the woman who was speaking, noticing it was Ashton's mother. I quickly placed the glass down and pulled myself down from the counter. "You're not Lauren." My cheeks blushed a deep red as Ashton's mother took in her sons clothes that I was wearing.

His Bet // Ashton Irwin \\ AUWhere stories live. Discover now