(11)I Did It For Love..(11)

Start from the beginning

The demobats were way more then when we first got here. Dustin was the only kid right now, I made sure that he wouldn't have to fight. I grabbed a random sturdy stick, not wanting to use the bullets in the gun. That's when Eddie suddenly started the melody. We all looked up, Steve and Robin were killing the demobats that weren't surrounding Eddie. Eddie was head banging, losing himself in the melody to The Final Countdown.

I hugged onto Steve jumping up and down, seeing that the demobats were absolutely hating the melody, getting weaker. Dustin, Nancy and Robin were all cheering. "Yes Yes!" Dustin yelled.

While the demobats were on the ground I made sure to smash them all with the stick repeatedly. I let out a groan and hugged onto Steve as Eddie was climbing down the trailer. The truth is that I had been bitten on my leg, but I wasn't gonna hold them back ever. I was just gonna keep going.

We needed to defeat Vecna, it was so needed..I couldn't keep living, we couldn't keep living with the fear of dying all the time. We were just kids when this all started.

We kept walking, I knew Max and I still hadn't been freed from the curse yet. So we needed a way to end it.

Constant walking, making me lose more and more blood. Until we found our old school. Dustin looked at me. "I have a feeling this is a sign.." Dustin said. "Agreed, come on little bro" I grabbed his hand, we entered the school. No hesitasion.

The rest followed us, I took a deep breath as I made my way to the gym, seeing everything adorned with the decorations of..The Snowball Dance.

"Oh my god" I smiled, it was bringing back way too many memories. "This is when me and that kid Darren danced because he didn't have a partner. Me and Nancy were working with the organasation together! Then she went to dance with you!" Me and Nancy were smiling.

"Your friends...have lost" An eerie, deep voice suddenly called out. We all turned around to see Vecna..up close.

He slowly lifted his had, causing me to lift up into the air making me let out a scream. Immediately everyone started panicking. "Y/n!!!" Dustin yelled out, Steve stopping him from charging at Vecna. Nancy immediately took out a gun pointing it at the beast in front of them.

"All your life..you haven't been able to live with yourself. Have you? You killed her.." Vecna continued, I was screaming and groaning. The pressure on every single one of my limbs, making my nose bleed and even popping a blood vessel in my eye.

Nancy suddenly shot a bullet at Vecna, the noise making my ears hurt. "I..didn't kill her!" I was able to croak out, not being able to breathe..the blood dripping onto the vine just below me, that's when Steve and Eddie noticed the bite on my leg.

"GET OFF OF HER!" Suddenly I was dropped on the ground, El and the rest of the group. El was different, shaved head even in an old hospital gown. Did they manage to get her again. Whatever she was out now.

Steve and Eddie immediately ran to me "Oh no, why didn't you tell us fuck!" Steve yelled, Eddie was in panic. Steve wiped the blood on my nose with his sleeve. Eleven was struggling to use her powers against Vecna. Nancy kept shooting at Vecna, I suddenly stood up and took out my gun shooting in sync with Nancy. My eyebrows furrowed. It was finally the time where El didn't do all the work. She had just got her powers back, no way was I letting her drain herself out again.

Steve, Robin, Dustin and Eddie were all just stunned looking at the group do their best to get Vecna down.

Will and Argyle still weren't their though. Jonathan was helping though. Mike ran to Dustin and Nancy tossed a gun at him. All that was heard was gunshots.

"You..will never defeat me." Vecna said.

Vecna didn't even need to focus on El, her powers too weak. Suddenly the gun flew out my hand, suddenly my hand emmited a cracking sound..it was broken so sudden..so fast. I let out a scream and dropped to my knees. My eyes rolling to the back of my head as blood kept pouring out my nose, blood even coming out my mouth. I dropped to the ground. It just kept pouring out of my nose and mouth, it was a different type of attack he was using on me, he wasn't killing me. He was making me go through pain, torture. Why? This had happened twice to me, just now in the same time span.

"Leave..my friends alone!" Eleven said, using the rest of the energy she had left to kill him, she had gotten a wave of power, if it wasn't for the bullets they had shot at Vecna he wouldn't be dead right now. But we weren't done..we knew that soon..the mind flayer..would be back. Vecna wasn't the main source.

Steve and Eddie grabbed a bunch of stuff out the backpack Nancy had brought alone, everyone surrounding me and everyone helping out. Nancy ripped up some of her shirt and made a quick cast out of that, Steve wiped the blood off of me with his sleeve once again. I continued to cough though. El was panicking, shaking her head, crying. "NO NO NO NO!" El was angry, scared to lose me. Mike attempted to calm her down but it really wasn't working. Steve lifted me up into his arms. Eddie was on verge of tears. Eleven kept checking on me, constantly whispering 'no'.

We were making our way back. "Eddie..I promise you, we'll prove Hawkins you aren't a murderer." Dustin pat his back as we finally arrived to the trailer, back to the gate.

I was badly injured, now I was only thinking about Max..what happened in Kreel's house.

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