(31)Corroded Coffin(31)

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(I was just gonna ask for y'all to comment what you think so far! I still have so many ideas for this story, I personally really enjoy writing for Eddie and Steve! Also warning for slight smut, just a blowjob)

"Girls, just wanna have fun!" I yelled along with the two girls in the backseat of my car, they were overjoyed, it made my heart burst with excitement everytime we had a girls day. I wouldn't say I was very girly, I just enjoyed some girly things but also enjoyed different stuff. "Put Material Girl on, Y/n!" El said, yelling over the music. I switched the song, smiling. "How are those dorks treating you girls, are Mike and Lucas treating you right?" I turned down the music to listen to them. "Lucas keeps taking me out on dates, keeps bringing me stupid flowers, I don't know how he knew tulips were my favorite, probably stalking me" Max said playfully.

"Mike says he wants to try different things now that were sixteen." My eyes widened as I stopped the car immediately right outside starcourt. "El, you tell Mike to call me later yeah?" El nodded, confused. I parked and got out with the two girls. I yawned and walked into startcourt, them immediately wanting to go to Scoops Ahoy. "You guys want Ice Cream don't you, I know that look!" They nodded, El clapping a little. So I dragged myself to Scoops Ahoy, Steve's eyes lighting up when he saw me.

I went to the counter, starting to ring the bell annoyingly. "Hi babe, can I get a vanilla ice cream cone, a strawberry ice cream cone an-" I was cut off by Steve immediately "A cookies and cream ice cream cone." I smiled and nodded. "Also have a lil' suprise for you." Steve went into the back, pulling out Eddie in a Scoops Ahoy uniform. I chuckled. "Oh poor thing..did he make you work here instead of Family Video" Eddie nodded, glaring at Steve. "Asshole." Eddie muttered under his breath as El and Max giggled to eachother. Steve scooped up the ice creams in the meantime. "You look.." I gulped down my laughter. "Cute.." I said, slurring a little as Steve handed me the Ice creams. I handed El her vanilla ice cream and Max her strawberry ice cream.

I sat down at a table and Steve started serving these other customers. "So El, remember never say yes to what Mike said..okay?" El nodded, licking her Ice Cream slowly, curiosity beaming off her face. "Also Max, don't you dare corrupt her mind. I know you know what it means" Max rolled her eyes. "Alright Alright..hey! Y/n there doing grease in the school play, apparrently their searching for people that graduated last year to be in it, a.k.a you! You said you like musicals and theatre right?" My eyes lit up with excitement.

"You aren't joking right!" Max smirked. "Of course I am" Max said, my smile fading. "You're lucky your my friend because I would've stomped you right here if you joke like that with me." I said in a sarcastic tone, the two bursting into laughter. "Do you guys wanna go watch corroded coffin today?" My eyes lighting up as I startes rambling about Eddie and Steve. Max and El were giggling. "Wha?" I yawned, Steve putting a hand on my shoulder. "Having fun being the babysitter for awhile?" I rolled my eyes and looked at Steve. "Yeah..also we need to have a talk with Mike." I whispered into Steve's ear about what El told me. "Oh hell will cast upon Wheeler if he tries to do something to this gifted child" Steve said a little too loud. "I'm sixteen" El said. "Yet you have icecream all over your face and you do too Henderson." Max rolled her eyeballs "Why don't you just lick it off her face then Steve."

"No unholy shit when the girls are around, now get your cute sailor ass behind that counter before your boss tells you off." I pushed him as far as I could sitting down. Max started rambling about how her mom started getting better, how she was in therapy. "That's so good Max" I smiled. "El, Hopper said that I have to have you guys back by four and were already running late, so no corroded coffin for you two." I lifted them off their butts, dragging them out, their bickering was just babbling to my ears. "No no no shush" I said.

There I was chatting with Hopper, Max was safe and sound at her house. "Yeah, sorry for running a bit late Hops" I rubbed the back of my neck. "No worries kid, thanks for taking care of this one for me, kinda need some alone time with Joyce sometimes." I smiled and pat his shoulder. I said goodbye, Hopper giving me some chocolate to leave with. I drove back home, to get ready for Eddie's concert, Steve was gonna go with me.

I got dressed into a darling pink dress, making sure I stood out in the crowd. A little blush on my cheeks, eyeliner and I was out the door with Steve in his car, I was skipping to the car happily as I got into the car. "You excited to see Munson perform?" Steve said putting a hand on my thigh. "Of course I am! He's gonna look so hot!" I squealed. "I think you look hot and adorable." Steve said leaning closer, giving me a kiss on the lips. "Stevie." I huffed as he deepened the kiss, my stomach turning into jelly. "Stevie drive.." Steve pulled away and smiled.

"Fine.." Steve kissed my forehead as he started driving, I leaned over right over to his lap, Steve got nervous, his body getting tense but it was dangerous if he didn't focus on the road though it was hard when he had his girlfriend ready to give him a blowjob while driving. His vision went blurry ever so slightly when I started sucking onto him, taking his length inside my mouth even when I was gagging. "B-Babe fuck, please..I-I need to o-oh my-" Steve mumbled all sorts of things, I teased his tip, making sure to get every ounce of pre-cum on my tongue, the moment he looked down and I was already making eye contact I knew he was close. Steve took one of his hands off the steering wheel and pushed my head down bringing slight tears to my eyes.

"S-So good..m'gonna cum.." I took my mouth away, pumping him a few times until he released all over my my face, letting out a groan. I lifted my head and huffed. "Shit sorry baby! Here here!" He grabbed a tissue from the blood compartment and handed it to me, I wiped my face, my eyeliner getting smudged. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at myself in the mirror. "Steve make sure to put your cock away when you get out, don't wants anyone to see that." Steve nodded, biting his lip, once we parked he tucked himself in his boxers and zipped his jeans up. I got out the car, still angry how my eyeliner was messed up. "Got some radioactive cum that broke down my eyeliner, this shits waterproof" I giggled.

We went into the bar, it wasn't exactly the safest place in Hawkins, most people came here to perform including Eddie and his little band. We entered, Steve gripping onto my hand for dear life, this was not his setting. Poor boy looked like hell entered his soul. The bunch of old people, metal heads all immediately staring at me as If I was an elephant in the room. Standing out forsure.

Eddie was setting up, I got in front of the crowd waving like a stupid idiot, smiling as if he was an angel. The minute that guitar started playing, I squealed, squeezing Steve's hand. "Don't know how you do that..act so innocent then the next are this dominant asshole being" Steve said whispering into my ear, he was joking I knew that. "That's my boyfriend!" I pointed, no one could really hear me over the crowd. Steve smiled at me, enjoying to see me so happy. He loved the sight of my pretty face smiling.

Eddie looked at me the whole time he played, made my heart swell. Steve had his arm around me, smiling at Eddie giving him a thumbs up. God how did these two boys hate eachother before, they acted as if they knew eachother from childhood now, bestest of friends. I guess those are the perks when they both love the same girl. At first they thought it was weird that they didn't get jealous after a certain point, I guess they really didn't mind. Like best friends sharing their food.

I felt safe, as safe as I could be, they were my safe space, my home.

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