(11)I Did It For Love..(11)

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(I am not following Vol.2 of Stranger Things 4, this is all my plot and if anything is similar or the same it's from the teasers and trailers. This is gonna be pretty long. Sorry for typos! Make sure to comment and vote ^^)

Y/n's pov:

We were still driving, I was mentally drained, looking down. This whole thing had everyone drained and tired. We were on our way to my house to grab supplies. We were going to fight Vecna. Finally.

The police and our parents had lost us, Argyle's van was behind us along with Nancy's car. I was hugging onto Eddie, wanting to get this over with. I was done..we needed Eleven.

Arriving at our house, I got out first. I quickly grabbed the key under the door mat, opening the door. I went to my room, grabbing the knife I had under my bed. I did this between tears. Robin and Nancy barged into my room, sitting beside me.

They helped me with gathering flashlights and useful things like bandages. "I have a feeling..this isn't gonna all work out for us this time." Robin said holding my hand and Nancy's. "I'd do anything for you guys..anything..I'd sacrifice myself if it meant you guys could live." My voice cracked as each word spilled out my mouth, the concerned girls pulled me into a hug. "Don't worry..we'll get through it.." Nancy said.

"We need a lot..of stuff, guns, everything." Nancy said.
We left the two cars and we all hopped into Argyle's van. Everyone was sad. I was concerned for my brother, Dustin looked horrified, Eddie and Steve knew it too.

We had a plan, it should all work out right..everything was okay..everything.

We needed to get to Kreel's house and drop Max, Lucas and Erica off. They were going to take care of it all there. Will was talking with Mike, each word Will dropped out his mouth, Mike's expression got worse. Until we heard it "He's not going to stop.." Will said, terrified.

My legs were shaking, I wanted them to be okay..I didn't want to lose anyone ever. I couldn't. I was gonna make sure everyone survived. Everyone.

Arriving at Kreel's house, when Max was about to get out. I handed her my knife. "Take care of it okay..be careful" Max almost hesitated, but she took it and got out the van.

We drove off, leaving the three in front of the house. I got more anxious, everyone noticed it. They didn't say anything not wanting to make it worse. I rest my head on Eddie's shoulder, holding onto Steve's hand. We arrived at Eddie's trailer. The gate was there.

We all got out, setting out things down scattered around Eddie's trailer grabbing things, loading guns. I tightened the bandage on my leg, practically cutting the circulation off.

Eddie and Dustin has things prepared too. We promised eachother..we would get out alive. All of us.

The matress and rope that the kids had made from sheets still there, floating. We were doing this, we were going to finish this.

I was the first one in, letting myself down the 'rope' as I got on the ground. I looked around, realising it had changed a bit. "Okay guys! Come on!" I jumped and waved my hands. They all came down one by one.

"I'll go first..Eddie get the guitar..come on.." We all were careful with our tracks, I was looking behind me every once in awhile making sure everyone was there. We had to walk all the way back to Kreel's so we just made our way out of the trailer covered in vines and miscelanious goop.

Then we realised..demobats. We already had a plan though, Eddie needed the guitar for a reason. He had been learning the song in his mind, well the melody.

Argyle, Will, Mike and Jonathan stayed in the 'normal' trailer. They were making sure if we needed sudden help out they would be there.

Eddie got on top of the trailer with Steve's help.

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