Later, a Quidditch match was to be played, so the students gathered in the stands. Gryffindor faced Slytherin this day. From the very beginning of the match, you could see how much the players were determined to each other. Everyone wanted to win. James chased the Golden Snitch Candle, and Sirius bravely defended his team. Slytherin was very sneaky, they wanted to win at all costs. The students struggled with the Gryffindors, did not pay attention to the fact that something could happen to someone.

"Look!" Lily grabbed Katie's hand and pointed in the direction of Padfoot, which was aimed at by one of the Slytherin players.

It was so sudden that Sirius didn't have time to react and fell off the broom. McAllister immediately got to her feet, terrified, and hid her face in her hands. Luckily, Black grabbed his broom with one hand at the last moment and sat back down on it. Nothing happened to him. Katie breathed a sigh of relief, and Padfoot began to mimic her by hiding face in his hands, just as the Gryff Girl did when he fell. Brunette stuck her tongue out at him in response and sat back down.

After a few minutes there was a loud bang so everyone looked where it was coming from. There was James on the ground and a second Seeker from Slytherin. After a few moments of arguing, Potter raised his hand and showed the Golden Snitch Candle in his hand. At this gesture, all the Gryffindors cheered. Gryffindor won.

Katie, Lily, Remus and Peter left the stands and headed for their team. Evans hugged Potter tightly, and McAllister threw herself on Sirius' neck. Black just laughed and returned the teenager's gesture.

"Don't scare me like that." Witch said.

"It was worth it, since you were so worried about me." He laughed and she hugged him again.

Moments later, in the distance, Katie saw Regulus retreating. Boy watched the situation for a moment and then left with other students from Slytherin.


In the afternoon, Sirius and Katie were just returning from Hogsmeade when suddenly a large, brown and fluffy dog ​​appeared on their way out of nowhere. Katie froze motionless as Black looked at her with a question mark.

"What's wrong, Kitty?" He looked at his companion and then glanced back at the dog. "You're not afraid of him, are you?"

Frightened brunette glanced at Marauder, and when the quadruped barked and moved towards them, she hid behind Padfoot.

"Don't laugh, just protect me." Katie was scared.

"Oh, Kitty..." Sirius laughed and then slowly approached the animal, calmed it down and stroked it. "Look what a cutie." He pointed at the dog, but Katie was still afraid to approach. "You're not afraid of me, and yet you're afraid of him?"

"It's different with you." Said. "Besides, I have only recently known that you're turning into a dog." Sighed. "Can we go now?" Asked and hesitantly glanced at the quadruped.

"Yeah..." Black stood up and looked at McAllister. "But only after you pet him."

"N-no, no way." Girl replied immediately. "I'm fucking scared of dogs. No way, I'm not gonna stroke him." Said confidently.

Padfoot sighed and then went to Katie, took her hand and pulled closer to the quadruped.

"No, Sirius, please..." Witch wanted to run away, but she failed.

"Why you're so afraid of them?"

"Because when I was little, a few of them chased me and bit me..." Replied quickly.

"You trust me?" Boy looked at her.

"I trust you, but I don't trust him." She pointed at the dog.

"So imagine this is my doggy form." Black pointed at the quadruped again. "You would stroked me, wouldn't you?" Smirked.

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