Early 20th century

15 2 0

7 years old

In a nice secluded 2 bedroom house in rural Scotland is a small family of three a man and wife and a young boy. Standing in the pure white kitchen is the mother and her son.
Mum "William, you'll need to stop playing soon it will be dinner soon."
William "okay mum,"
Ding dong
William "I'll get the door."
Mum "I didn't hear anything."
Suddenly the boy opens the door to find a red headed woman on the door step.
William "hi, would you like to come in?"
The woman " oh eh, yes thank you?"
The woman had a slight Eastern European accent and look greatly confused as to how the boy spoke to her.
William "I like your accent, would you like to be my friend I'm William."
The woman "oh eh, sure. I would love to be your friend I'm..."
William "can I call you red?"
The woman "yeah, sure."
Suddenly William's mother came through.
Mum "who are you talking to William?"
William "this is my friend Red, doesn't she look pretty mum?"
Mum "hunny, I can't see her. Is she your imagination."
William "no look mum she's here."
William then hugged the woman, the woman was even more shocked now. However there mother was starting to worry, she could see her son's cheeks flatten against something but she couldn't see it. Suddenly everything became slow motion, the door was forced open and William's dad appeared and brought out a gun, he pointed it to his wife first and fired. The bullet landed in her forehead, next William's dad brought the gun the William but the the woman managed to divert the bullet away from the boy. The dad not realising the bullet didn't hit his son in time before he brought the gun to his own head and shot. Suddenly time went back to normal and the woman had disappeared and William was left standing there with his parents blood on him.

Ten years old

William was now staying in an adoption centre. There was quite a few kids here but for William it wasn't great he was constantly bullied by the two olds kids both 15 years old. They would push, punch and throw him down the stairs just because he said he has a friend called red.
After a long day at school William came back to see his friend standing in his room she hadn't aged a day and was wearing the exact same outfit.
William "red your here, I've missed you so much."
William then hugged 'red'. 'Red' then returned the hug. She let her tears fall she held so much emotion. She couldn't comprehend the fact the kid had witnessed his own father kill his mother, tried to kill William only to miss and finally shots himself. Suddenly to boys appeared from behind William.
Boy 1 "hey squirt, what you doing hugging your imaginary friend?"
Suddenly red felt something of an aura of death appeared and then she felt like she was hugging bone. A sharp zap hit her hands she jumped back from William only to find the ten year old to be entirely bone. William then turned around to the boys and they were horrified by the sight.
William "you have courted death and you will be dining with me later today."
Suddenly his skull glowed and the two boys liquified and disappeared. When William turned around to see his friend he had turned back to normal but instead of piercing blue eyes the turned entirely black, no glossy look to them the appeared to be the end of everything.
William "good riddance, they where quite tasty. I wonder what other people taste like.
Red was very visibly taken back, gone was the sweetness that radiated from the boy but now nothing but death surrounded the boy.
Red "William are you okay?"
William "I'm fine but are you?"
Suddenly his head flashed into a skull.

7.12.1941 or in American terms 12.7.1941

Pearl harbour.

Planes littered the skyline, a deep burning orange set as a background, the sound of screams and explosions set the mood. A place that wouldn't be missed due to the bright orange glow surrounding it. Not only where ships sinking quicker than ever before but also the casualties were extensive as it was Sunday and prayer was carried out on the now submerged ships, an entire battle group of ship now reduced to future coral reefs. One figure stood out among the many a young man aged only 18, one that could only be described as death its self and it wore a US navy uniform. With precision that would only be rivalled by 21st century computers. The figure was the main gunner on one of the battleships main guns on the USS Arizona. Using its 14 inch guns on planes was never heard of before until now. Using high explosive ammunition was it's only chance at destroying the aircraft even though the guns were so powerful that the shells would pass straight trough the planes without exploding unless hitting ether bombs, torpedoes or the engines. Once the ship was hit with four high explosive bombs it detonated all of the high explosive shells and the fuel causing unimaginable casualties. A Sargent William Wallace was apparat of the crew upon this poor ship, he was the one with the accuracy aimed by the devil. He was blow clean out of the escape hatch and landed on a runway a few hundred yards away. The poor man thought for sure he was dead and especially when he was met with his red haired angel. Red had watch all of the events in a third person view only to find herself in front of the same man now as she watched through the years. Red ran towards William.
Red "come on soldier, get up don't die on me."
William struggled to get up even with the woman's help. He couldn't understand how she still hadn't aged not a day older than the first time they had met.
William "well look who it is, hello Red. I wouldn't stay if I was you."
Red "I would take your own advice if I was you."
William "eh what's the worst that could happen."
Red was visibly confused as she had just seen what had happened not even 5 minutes ago.
William "well apart from that."

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