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4.6.1942 or to Americans 6.4.1942

The battle of Midway
Sargent William Wallace has now been reassigned to the USS Enterprise and has been promoted to the rank of Flight commander. He has show signs of becoming an ace of the sky's. Armed with his trusty Vought F4U Corsair the first carrier based Corsair of the Second World War.
William was taught by a friend of his until he was unfortunately shot down during one of his battles, the William was given the rest of his training and sent onto the USS Enterprise. Quickly earning a reputation for making out of any situation with next to no injuries. He now wore a black bandana as he of said it was his way of letting the Japanese know that he was the devil of the sky. On his blue Corsair it also wore a black band around the nose of the plane and around its wings. The sight of said aircraft often caused problems for the Japanese.

William's Pov

We where fed steak and eggs today which means we fighting today and we know it normally i rather take of first but today my plane was going under some extensive repairs, apparently it's not meant to have a 12 inch hole in the left wing, who knew? I always tried to help out with the repairs on my aircraft but if I couldn't the I would often sit in the cockpit and look at the small painting next to the dials. The paint was one of Red, I had painted it with materials I found around just after the attack on pearl. The black was the charcoal from the smouldering buildings, the red was from me after I had found part of USS Arizona going through my gut. It wasn't a pretty picture but you could clearly see that it was a woman with red hair, it held so much emotion in the picture, it showed the crazy ness of the day it was made and the peace of the angel of the woman.

Day 2

Finally I'm in the air, my mission is to sink the lead carriers IJN Akagi and IJN Kaga made destructive by their bright red circles on the centre of the deck, the sweet spot. Now who ever told them that painting your week spot red was a good idea obviously had hit their head but it just made my job the bit easier, well in theory. In a wall of gunfire and smoke aiming at well an aircraft carrier may aswell been a fly, on other words impossible, crazy, if some came up with this idea in peace time they'd be thrown into the looney bin but this is war and anything goes.
I always roll my aircraft while in a dive to make it seem like it's going to crash and at the last possible moment level out and drop all three bombs right on target. Just to simply watch the fireworks and pray that I don't get hit on my way back to altitude to go and resupply. On my first day I managed to sink IJN Kaga and nearly get shot down.

Day 3

The mechanics have been working through the night to try and repair some of the aircraft, lucky most of the grave yard shift boys came back. I've been noticing something strange these last few days, out of the corner of my eye I noticed Red. She hasn't said anything or made herself know but I know she's there. Today we've had quite a few casualties but we're still going strong. I've been on aircraft duty today so no more carriers for me today. I have managed to take down 15 and assisted in a further 10. It's not the winning that matters it's getting everyone home that's what matters. But I did break my command and targeted IJN Akagi once and that's all that was needed I dropped my load of at the precise time and the rest is history. Kill count 2 carries (IJN Kaga and IJN Akagi) and 15 planes.

Day 4

The Japanese are letting up now they know that they can't last forever, today I was warned about possible sightings of the IJN Yamamoto. Yamamoto is a battleship and not just any old battleship it's the biggest ever. Today I'm to try and make contact with the battleship and see if there is much left of the reserve fleet and hopefully find that they have brought a carrier with them as we need it to replenish the unfortunate demise of USS Yorktown. I believe the Japanese think that they destroyed two carriers as they seem to be giving it a bit more fight today.

My picture has really started to fade, the worry of potentially losing it to the elements has become fact no longer a thing of fiction. Right now I'm remembering my angel, so I have something to do as the flight is taking a lot longer than usual. I've got to fly away from the fight and into another while keeping under the radar and without my allies shooting me down thinking I'm actually a Japanese pilot.

3 hours later

I'm here and it's not a pretty sight both sides a trading blows but none seem to be very effective. I've just been in contact with the reserve fleet and they told me that our resident island is meant to becoming but is taking a lot longer than normal due to being partially repaired and USS Vestal has been sent to collect USS Long Island and help repair her on the way.

1 hour later

Finally running low on fuel and ammunition I've decided that I should take a page out of the Japanese book. I've started to climb higher than I've ever gone before and I rolled the plane into a dive. Now determined to do as much damage as possible I started to fire all my guns at my target the IJN Yamamoto, the Japanese have only started to see what's happening and finally recovering from the initial shook they start to shoot back. It's strange how in your last few moments you seem to reflect on the past and out of all of it there's only one regret that I never knew the name of my angel.

Red's 3rd person view

A sole American plane is seen diving and seems not to be turning away. The entire American fleet watch in horror as it disappears and is replaced with a huge bang and flames. The ship it hit starts to retreat and tip. The Americans finally continue firing everything in their arsenal at the burning ship.

After hours, darkness falls and all that's left is broken parts of ships and bodies painting the sea a crimson red. I can feel my self start to lower onto a slight island. The sand is now red, showing no signs that it was ever a different colour apart from the smouldering palm tree. A body gets washed up. The uniform is different from the rest of the bodies but it's still a uniform I recognise, I've seen it back with the main fleet. It's that of a pilot and with the blank bandana it's one I recognise to well. I pull the body out of the water and onto the sand.
Red "come on commander don't do this to me wake up."
I turned over the body to meet multiple machine gun holes, I suddenly get flash backs of my brother. The red staining his silver T-shirt. I shook my head to rid myself of the thought. Suddenly I started to cry. Leaning over the body, I end up hitting the body out of desperation and anger only to be met with coughing.
The man sits up and coughs up a load of blood onto the sand, not that it makes and colour change.
William "oh, for fuck sake I feel like shit."
Red "I'd be worried if you didn't."
William "you, your back."
He slowly tries to get up only to fall again.
Red "hey slow down, here rest your back against the tree."
I slow drag him up to the tree.
Red "how's that?"
William "oh, just perfect."
Red "oh hush you."
William "why are you here?"
Red "do you not want me to?"
William "no, no. Well yes, I don't think this place is much of a place for an angel like you."
Red "don't ever change, to be honest I don't know why I'm here. You must of wanted me to see this."
William "stop talking to me in riddles woman."
Red "It's true you are showing me your memories and I'm only here for the sights."
Wallace "well I wouldn't call this a sight, would you."
Red "at least I know how you got these scars."
Wallace "what scars? They are very much still bleeding I'll have you know. Who are you anyway?"
Red "I'm Wanda Maximoff."
William "you say that like it means something to me."
Wanda "yeah it does, in another. Oh, what year are we at?"
William "have you hit your head it's 1942."
Wanda "oh Steve will be signing up soon, I wonder when you meet him. Sorry in 73 years."
William "oh good one, I'm not living that long not after all this."
William points down to his blood soaked uniform.
Wanda "ah, don't worry you'll live."

We stayed together and talked for a couple of days until USS Enterprise passed by.

Wanda "I think it's time for me to go, I'll see you soon Commander."
William "until next time, Wanda Maximoff."

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