Chapter 1 (the girl who wanted to die)

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Dear Diary,

It is September 23 today and nothing has changed much, yet. I know I promised to fight, I know I promised to live but... it seems like even the stars are opposing me, well they were never on my side anyway. But today I feel a bit happy, a bit contented that all of this is finally ending, finally I am getting out of this misery and finally I am going to some other place, hopefully to a new start and this is also the final time I am speaking my heart out to you.

These burdens are too much for my shoulders to handle now. My legs are tired of running and my heart is tired of living in terror. I want to be found, I want someone to come and embrace me and make me known to its warmth all over again, but it seems like this dread in my heart will never leave me at peace. So, I want to give it all a rest...

Tyler turned the next page but they were empty from that point onwards. He flipped till the last page but not a single word was written. Frustrated he hurled the diary and started walking back and forth in the room. He slicked back his hair and continued wondering when he remembered the words in the diary.

this is also the final time I am speaking my heart out to you.

He rushed and picked up the diary and he turned to the first page. The description of the owner of the diary was written there in a very creative way with colors like the owner had a whole leisure day in hand.

Aurora Davis

Age: I don't remember the last time I celebrated my birthday and there's nothing good about me being born.

Favorite color: For a girl who has lived in dark for so long, any color other than darkness is my favorite color.

Favorite food: The only food I have been eating for a year and I know the taste of is instant noodles.

Memorable moment: The moment that turned my life upside down, can't forget no matter how hard I try.

Family: Never ask an orphan about her family.

Friends: You mean the one who stabbed me from behind?

Future Plan: To be carefree again.

He turned the page and saw the same page that he had already read before.

"She said this was the last time she was writing, so that means she used to often write on her diary. But this was the only diary found in her room. Where are the ones she finished writing?" he was talking to himself tapping his one leg continuously on the floor, he was anxious.

"Officer Tyler?" a man in his mid-twenties entered the room.

Tyler heard his name and walked out to see the person. "What happened Ben?"

"The doctor said that the chances of her survival is near to nought. She is still in coma and there is no sign of recovery. He asked if we could inform any of her family members, relatives or friends so that they can come and meet her, as it might be their last time doing so."

Tyler recalled what was written in her diary.

Family: Never ask an orphan about her family.

Friends: You mean the one who stabbed me from behind?

"I don't think we can find anyone. Just tell the doctors to do their best," he instructed.

"I will do that but it's already been weeks, I don't think we can do anything anymore. The doctor has said it clearly that she might never wake up, they have raised their hands. Why don't we just close this case and-"

"Just do what I have told you for now. I will decide what to do next," he completely shut Benjamin. Ben nodded his head and left.

Tyler went back to the room and started wondering around again. The room had a very dark complexion. The ceilings were colored black and the walls were painted dark grey, the windows were shut and there was a black curtain restricting light from entering in the room. There was one metal cupboard in one corner that was a bit rusty and looked old, there was a study table besides it and bathroom in the other end of the room. It was an apartment with one room and one kitchen clearly stating that the person living in that apartment was not so well to do, lived alone and hated brightness. But then Tyler recalled those words again.

Favorite color: For a girl who has lived in dark for so long, any color other than darkness is my favorite color.

"How can a girl who loves color be living in a place like this?" he questioned himself.

He walked forward and opened the curtains letting the sunrays flow in and give life to the room. He continued to look around the small apartment. He opened every drawer in the room, knocked on the walls to check if there was a secret passage or a room, but found nothing.

He opened the cupboards and saw clothes hanging; they looked expensive and new. He checked meticulously in the hope to find anything suspicious or out of ordinary but nothing was found. He was hoping to find her diary but he only got disappointments in return. He closed the cupboard and started to flip the bedsheets and pillows but he was left empty handed again. Dejected he made his walk to the door.

He got inside his car and drove to the hospital where she was admitted: Aurora Davis.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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