I held my gaze at my fidgeting feet, “But Hatter will be the first one to leave…”

“I’m working on a plan to change that.” He confessed.

My gaze lingered on him and finally met his eyes when he turned to look at me. This was the first time I saw Chishiya’s eyes with a tint of sunlight. The once chocolate brown became more of a honey. The icicle mask melted away and his orbs were so soft. But not just his eyes, his rare expression too. This wasn’t the first time I experienced this facial softness on Chishiya’s face. These last few days his glare became more absent and he just looked at me in different way then before. He wasn’t looking down at me anymore.

“You’re finally awake!” Kuina yelled and almost jumped on me but stopped when I winced in pain, “ Does your arm still hurt?” She asked with worry swimming in her usual thrilling orbs.

“Yeah, but I really want to take a shower in my own room right now. Can you please help me?” Fever-sweat probably made me feel this sticky.

Kuina furrowed her brows slightly, “Of course, but you know I’m not really…”

I looked her seriously in the eye, “Kuina, I really don’t care. I feel save around you and I trust you.”

Her uncertainty quickly disappeared and she smiled, “Okay then! I’m going to prepare you a hot, bubbly bath!” With that she stormed out of Chishiya’s room and most probably ran to my room.

“She forgot to actually take you there too.” Chishiya commented.

I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed with my legs dangling. As a shadow blocked the sun’s ray, I looked up to see Chishiya offering me a hand. Slowly and cautiously I accepted and placed my hand in his. He helped me stand and snaked one arm around my lower back to help sturdy me as we walked. Fortunately Chishiya’s room was the first one on the 4th floor, so the journey wasn’t that long. But it took some time to reach my room, because we stopped a few times when I couldn’t handle the stabbing in my arm anymore. Chishiya guided me to my bathroom and when the door opened, the smell of strawberries filled my whole respiratory system.

Before Kuina closed the bathroom door, I saw Chishiya took one of my astrology books and seated himself on my bed. After the nuisance of stripping off my clothes, I finally laid in the heavenly bath. It was warm and soft bubbles tickled my skin. The berry fragrance made it even more satisfying. Kuina sat on the closed toilet seat turned to me.

“Are you playing tonight?” I asked and blow the bubbles that once rested in my palm.

“Nah. Someone needs to keep an eye on you. I still have more than enough visa days. 17 to be precise.” She crossed one leg over the other.

“I think I have 15 days left. How long is Hatter allowing me to rest?”

“He said all the time needed. Even if you use up all your visa days. Your wound needs a good amount of time to heal.”She stood up when she saw me struggling to reach my back with my soap covered sponge, and helped me, “Do you know how difficult it is to not kick Niragi’s ass?”

I laughed a little, “I like him even less now.”

Kuina went back to her seemingly uncomfortable seat and stayed quiet for a few seconds. She finally spoke when I placed a drop of face cleanser in my palm.

“By the way, what is going on between you and Chishiya?” She almost whispered since the man in speaking was just behind the door.

My heart jumped on a trampoline, “What do you mean?”

“I’m not blind, Hairu.” She hovered over closer to me and continued to whisper, “You two act differently around each other. Even if Chishiya can be emotionless, I can tell by the way he looks at you. Eyes never lie.” She motioned to her eyes with two fingers.

“Whatever.”I mumbled before rubbing my cheeks with soap to hide my blush.

“Hey! Don’t whatever me!” She forced me to make eye contact with her after I rinsed off the foamy remains, “Tell me. Do you like Chishiya?”

I forced my facial features to maintain a stone face, but inside me a kettle boiled, “As a friend yes.”

Kuina stood up and put her hand to her forehead, dramatically imitating an incoming faint, “How dare you lie to your best friend?! But it’s fine, I already knew the answer.” She smiled like she was possessed, “You like him and you want him.”

Finally giving in to Kuina’s persuasions, I covered my streaming face with both my hands, “Okay, fine! Yes!”

It just took a confession for this girl to jump up and down, “I knew it!” She yelled.

“Shhh! He’s just behind that door you know!” I whisper yelled.

Kuina giggled softly, “Okay, okay. Don’t worry, I won’t tell.” She finished her promise with a wink.

Getting dressed was an easier task since I knew what movements I could do and what not. Now the only thing left to do was to blow dry my hair. I sat next to Chishiya who clearly made himself comfortable on my bed. He didn’t bother looking up; his eyes were superglued onto the pages before him. Kuina plugged in the hairdryer and did a test if it still worked. While holding the gun-shaped tool, she gazed between Chishiya and I for a few beats.

Then suddenly she dropped the device on my bed, “Oh my gosh! I totally forgot! I had to meet someone before the games! Gotta go!” Before one of us could protest, the girl ran out of the room, shutting the door.

I know what you’re trying to do, Kuina. I took the hair dryer and just before I could press a button, it was snatched out of my hand. I didn’t even realize that Chishiya moved his position to stand in front of me.

“I can dry my own hair, you know.” I said finding it difficult to fully make eye contact.

His stone face appeared more serious, “Do you want to struggle, have wet hair, catch a cold and be sick while your wound is supposed to heal?”

I didn’t have a comeback ready, so instead I mumbled a ‘Fine.’ I turned my back to him so that the hair dryer would have access to all of my strands. The contrast of my wet hair clinging onto my back and the heat produced by the hand tool, gave me chills. Chishiya’s soft cold fingers occasionally touching my skin only multiplied the shivers. He force-turned me to face him before gently removing the single hairs that was covering my face. I only ducked my head down to hide any possible reaction I would have from his touch. I was a master of hiding most of my emotions, but when it comes to him… I usually struggled to keep my cool.

After drying my hair, he took the brush from the nightstand, and began to brush from the ends all the way up. While he tried to undo any hair knot, I ogled his facials. His thick, semi-rough eyebrows contrasted his soft orbs. The beauty spot under his left eye was the finishing touch to emphasise his cat-like alluring exterior. My gaze slid down to his lips and it froze there like it was the focus point on his photographic face. Many questions formed in my head but only one replayed repeatedly in my mind and heart : How would it be like to kiss Chishiya?

My mental question got interrupted when I caught him stare at me. He only held my gaze for a few seconds before turning to unplug to used device. I ran my fingers through my clean, soft and silky hair, admiring his hairdressing skills.

“Thank you.” I said managing to find his eyes.

He smirked slightly, but there was a tiny hint of a real smile, “Well, since my job is done, I’m going then.” He stopped in the doorway and turned back to me, “Can I maybe borrow some of your books?”

I glared at him, “No. You must come and read them in my room.”

Chishiya rolled his eyes and returned a glare, “Fine.”

“Good luck on your game tonight!” I yelled before he gave me a lazy wave and left.

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