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The Betrayal Of Friendship! Luffy And Y/N!


We arrived at Impel down and the worst generation pirates was walking in a line chained together.

Some of them was crying, while others had visible veins popping out of their forehead.

All the Navy big shots came to celebrate the news. I was in my uniform with Sengoku navy jacket on and walked beside him. The navy soliders lined up on the side with guns faced down and head up high to show respect.

"All Navy Captains can head to the conference room. I'll be there shortly once we got everything situated." Sengoku nodded as the big shots took the elevator to the top floor.

"You want to help me?" Sengoku asked and I nodded my head excitedly.

"You sort them out between levels, we know Strawhat, Trafalgar, Jenbei and Kidd are 5th floor. " he grabbed them harshly and put them to side.

"Roronoa, Black Leg, Killer, Boa and Ussop can go on 4th." I grabbed them gently pushed to the other side of straw hat.

"The rest can go on 3" I nodded and we all walked on the elevator and stopped at the 3rd level.

"There are guards down there to tell you where they'll be staying" I nodded and grabbed Nami, Robin, Franky, Brook, Bepo, The whole heart pirates and Kid pirates. I was going to grabbed the reindeer but Sengoku beat me to it.

"This Raccoon Dog can stay. He is only worth 100 berries" he said bluntly.

"HEY, I AM NOT A RACCOON DOG DAMNIT" he screamed flipping around.

'Cute' I thought smiling unknowingly.

I reached my head and Sengoku threw him in my arms making him bump his head.

I rubbed his head trying to ease the stinging.

"Get off of me crazy lady" I kissed him gently on his forehead and he started to squirm in my arm with a smile and blush on his face.

"I didn't like that, you overly strong woman" he laughed.

"You always had a habit of babying things you find cute huh?" Sengoku sighed when he realized I wasn't listen and just rocking the reindeer.

We reached the third floor and handed Chopper back to Sengoku and gave him a warning look to not hurt him.

I grabbed the biggest group and brought down the back of the hall and met with John as he opened the cell and allowed me to put them in and double chain them to the wall.

"This is a mistake, let us go" Nami panicked, this was the end for her.

I shut the cell and John locked it again. I gave him a fist bump and I started to walk away.

"Aye save me some food, fr" he screamed, and I gave him a thumbs up.

"MAKE SURE TO STACK IT UP" he screamed down the hall as I reenter the elevator. I silently giggled and grabbed Chopper from Goku.

"Are they really gone?" He asked, not to anybody in particular though.

"Chopper" we heard strawhat say. His hat covering his face.

He just gave Chopper a look and Chopper immediately stop sniffling and tensed up. He nodded to Luffy as Luffy nodded to him back.

We arrived on the fourth floor and Sengoku snail transponder ringed.

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