07. chasing after donkeys

Start from the beginning

"Uh," She gives you an anxious side glance. "it's nothing. I was still half asleep, probably."

You give her a suspicious look. "Mhmm. Well, let me know if you want to talk about... Feelings."

The F word made her tense up slightly, and she stood up almost immediately. Or maybe it was the donkey that was walking towards the forest, outside the patio.

"Look at this one !"

"How did he get out ?!"

"Told ya, they're geniuses !"

You spent a good twenty minutes chasing the donkey with Luisa, even though she ran faster than you and you weren't as skilled in the field. Eventually, you found it in a clearing, grazing some flowers, as if waiting for you to catch it.

You were going back to the patios, you on the back of the donkey and Luisa carrying it on her shoulder -the view was wonderful from this height-, when you noticed your mother walking down the hill, a big basket in hand. You wish Luisa good luck and climb down the donkey before jumping on the floor and dashing towards her to help her.

"Hey, mom, let me help you with that." You take the basket from her. It was full of arepas. She was probably going downtown to give them out to the injured people.

"Thank you, mija. But you should take a break, since you don't have any chores this afternoon."

You shrug. "Nah, I'd rather stay with mi beloved mamá." You get closer to her before realizing you don't have enough arms to side-hug her and hold the enormous basket. So she helps you by wrapping an arm around your shoulders as you both walk towards the market place.

Lots of injured people were already waiting there, and you wondered how there always were so many who needed your mom's cooking.

"Ah... Maybe I should leave. Bad for business." The few stares you get remind you of your reputation amongst the townspeople, and you slow down in hesitation.

Julieta tightens her grip around you and pulls you forward with her. "If they don't like my daughter, they won't get anything from me."

"Hey, if you keep going like that, I might have to give you the Best Mother Award of the year."

"What ! I don't have it already ?"

"Right. Sorry, my mistake."

You both giggles like little kids as you settle the basket down on a table that was conveniently placed there. You couldn't help by handing the arepas to the injured people, Julieta's gift only working if she was the one to give it to you, but you could always entertain your mother.

So you complained about your homework and going to school in general. Nothing about Angela and not having friends, you always stayed vague and changed subjects when your family asked questions. Sometimes, you could see they were suspicious, but you didn't want to lie in case they'd once meet one of your classmates and expect you to act as if you were friends. That would be very awkward and they would probably learn the truth.

As the line of people grew smaller, you couldn't help but notice how your mother seemed to get gloomier, even though she didn't show it. Maybe she was just tired of standing up.

"Do you want me to fetch you a chair, your Majesty ?" You say in an elegant way, making her chuckle tiredly.

"I'll be okay, mija. I like standing up."

You scoot over to her -you were sitting on the edge of the table, your feet not being as habituated as your mother's- and whisper in her ear as she gives out another arepas with a big smile.

"Then is it my annoying yet very interesting rambling that made you look so down ?"

"You know I could listen to you all day. Is it that obvious ?"

"That you're tired ? No, but I'm extremely sharp."

"Excuse me ?" A voice sounds, interrupting the both of you.

"Oh, sorry, sorry. Here you go." Julieta hands the man an arepa, which he eats, immediately healing his twisted ankle. He thanks her profusely and even greets you -that was rare, he was probably a good fella- before heading off on his two healthy feet.

"I think that was the last one." Your mother smiles, and you jump off the table as she picks up the almost empty basket. You take it from her, ignoring her protests, and you both start heading towards Casita.

"So, why so gloomy ? I guess seeing all those people can get pretty draining."

"Yes..." She sighs. "Sometimes, I think they don't look after themselves as much as if I didn't have a gift. There's always dozens of hurt people, and that didn't happen before."

"Hmm. They got comfortable."

"Luckily, I have my daughter with me to cheer me up !" She nudges you, and you snort.

"Yeah, yeah. I know we can't really complain to them, because we have to protect and take care of the Encanto and everything... But, mom, if it's too much, don't overwork yourself. I'll scare them away, don't you worry." You wink at her, and she returns it, but looks sad for a second.

"You know, Juli, if you get tired, call me up. I'll wave my arms around, eh, I don't know, look threatening, and it'll scare them away. Ta-da."

"Aye, Brunito, don't joke about that. Those who think my brother is scary won't get any arepa from me."

"I love you, mija, always remember that." She hugs your side.

"You better. Am I your favorite daughter now ?"

She sighs. "I won't answer that question again."

"Alright, I give up. For now."

You walk in silence for a while, enjoying the cool breeze of the January evening and the colors of the sunset.

"You know," Your mother says as you almost reach Casita. "your father still takes up half of the arepas I prepare with all his accidents."

"To be honest, mom, that's not a surprise."

words : 1627

note : sorry I didn't update earlier, I had a final exam to prepare :/ but yeah, now I'm officially done with high school and the exams that come with it. doesn't feel like it tho^^

hope you enjoyed this chapter! love ya<3

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