(Important A/N) Can I really stop myself from doing it?....

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Can I really stop myself from doing it?....

I kept on asking myself that question....

Everytime I kept on writing smut.....

Smut about any ships on the TFF fandom....

Everytime I delete the smut chapters I wrote....

That I so wish to publish....

I stared at my phone looking at it....

And asked the same question over and over again....

Can I really stop myself from doing it?....


No I can't....

I want to write and publish what I want....

I want to write smut about any ships in the fandom and publish it....


I don't want to be disrespectful....

And act like I'm not respecting them....

Being respectful have downsides....

Sometimes you want to do something....

But you will disrespect someone or something....


I really want to do this....

But knowing I will disrespect them....

It's really hard for me....

I might even return the smut is allowed in the near future....

Because of this split I have and fully not care writing about smut....

If really comes to that point where I must gave up being respectful....

To just fully write smut because I wish to....

And publish it out for everyone to read....


I don't know what I will do....

This is really hard for me....

And I'm lost because of this split....

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