First mission: part 1

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3rd person Pov

Today was the day. The kids had spent the last week getting used to each other, and today it would all pay off.

"Hey Danny, I don't think we ever asked, but do you have a suit?" Shuri asked while she was packing her bag

"A suit? Why would I need a tux on a mission," Danny replied also packing his bag

"She means a mission suit, like this," Peter said and took his suit out of his bag

"Ohhh," Danny replied understanding Shuri's question

I have a combat suit that Sword gave me, but it isn't anything flashy," Danny said and took out a basic black combat suit, some arm and leg padding, two bandage-looking gauntlets and a black half-mask.

"Yeah, we're definitely making you a new suit when you get back," Shuri replied.

"You guys ready?" Sam asked walking into the room

"Almost," Wanda replied.

"If you guys aren't in the quin jet in ten minutes I'm leaving without you," Sam said and walked out

The kids chatted for a few more minutes before finishing their bags.

"I'm done," Peter announced

"Me too," Wanda replied

"Me three," Shuri replied

"Me four?" Danny replied in a confused tone.

"He's learning," Shuri said, patting Danny on the shoulder.

"We'd better get the Quinjet before Sam get's cranky ," Wanda announced.  

Shuri grabbed her suitcase-sized fabricator and they made their way to the quinjet.

"Finally, I was about to take off without you," Sam said after they walked in.

He closed the doors, fired the engines, and they flew out of the compound.

"How long is it gonna take to get to Brooklyn?" Danny asked
"About 20 minutes," Wanda replied

"Or 10, depending on how impatient Sam is," Shuri continued

"I heard that!" Sam yelled from the cockpit.

After 15 minutes, the five arrived at the landing spot and discussed the plan from there.

"Alright, where do we head from here?" Peter asked

"There's the auction house right there," Sam said, pointing to a very luxurious-looking building a few blocks away.

"The hotel we'll be staying at is right across the street from the auction house, so we'll be monitoring from there," Sam added

They made their way to the hotel where Sam registered, and the other four conversed on how they could make Danny's suit more aesthetic.

"Ok, Wanda, Shuri you're in one room where you'll keep an eye on the Auction house and anyone entering it. Peter and Danny, you're in another room where you'll survey the streets on the lookout for any suspicious activity." Sam explained

They all nodded, got into the elevator and made their way to their respective rooms.
The two girls immediately started setting up their observatory equipment, whilst the two boys formulated a plan.

"Okay I think I have an idea, but your gonna need to be sneaky to complete it," Peter explained

"I'm all ears," Danny responded

"Okay, I saw an article online a few months ago explaining that auction houses deliver the bidding objects to the house on the night of the auction to prevent thieves," Peter explained

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