Power scaling

42 3 0

3rd person POV

It's been 3 days since Monica and Danny arrived in  New York, and things have been going well so far. During the days, Monica would take Danny out to discover new things like the legendary food that is pizza, and in the evenings, He'd spend most of his time with Peter, Wanda and Shuri who'd also help him discover new things.

On this particular day, a Wednesday to be exact, Monica didn't take Danny out into the city. Instead, he was called into the briefing room. He entered the room and saw that Monica wasn't at the table with all the avengers looking in his direction.

"Take a seat son," Furry ordered.

He felt the dozens of eyes follow him as he sat to Pepper's left.

"Where's Monica?" Danny asked curiously

"She had to head back to Florida for an emergency," Sam said.

"Did I do something wrong?" Danny asked the room, feeling a wave of anxiousness pass over him.

"Of course not," Pepper said, reassuring him and putting a hand on his shoulder.

"It's just we've seen estimations of your power levels on paper, but we've never seen them in action, that's why today Sam, Bucky and Bruce will be running a few physical examinations," Fury explained.

"I already did a bunch of tests at Sword, why don't you just ask Monica for my results?" Danny asked

"We thought about that, but we're gonna redo them for two reasons. We want to compare your abilities normally against when you're using your powers, and your powers have probably progressed since Sword tested you," Bruce explained.

"As long as I get to do something, I'm not used to doing the same things every day anymore," Danny replied.

"Okay then, Bruce, Sam and Bucky escort Danny to the training room." Fury ordered
The four of them walked out in a chilling silence and continued for a few minutes.

"Aren't you supposed to be green?" Danny asked Bruce, cutting the silence and addressing his confusion.

"What?" Bruce replied confused

"I mean the other guys said you're supposed to be green, so I'm kinda confused why you're not," Danny replied.

"It's a bit of a roller coaster, but sometimes when I get angry I get big and green and the Hulk takes over," Bruce replied.

"What's the hulk?" Danny asked

"He's the other guy who comes out when I'm angry," Bruce answered

"Another guy is living in your body?" Danny asked

"Yeah basically,"  Bruce replied

"Isn't that kind of weird?" Danny asked.

"I kind of got used to it. That's not to say we haven't had our ups and downs cause we definitely have. One time he took over my body for two years and I ended up being a gladiator on an alien planet.

"That sounds like a nightmare," Danny commented, grateful that his powers didn't come with an alter ego.

The silence reappeared until they reached the training room.

"Ok Danny, first we'll test your physicality without your powers, Then I'll test your physical abilities with your powers on," Bruce explained

"Sounds good to me," Danny said as they entered a hallway

In the hallway, they entered the first room on the left. On the right of the room, there was another door leading to a viewing room with a bunch of tech, and the rest of the room was filled with a variety of workout equipment and an odd-looking treadmill.

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