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f/f = fav food

'How splendid' He rolled his eyes before crouching down to collect the shattered glass.

The liquid expanded from the broken vial to form a small puddle on the floor.

'What is happening to me'

He didn't have time nor did he care about it too much, it was just one of those made questions which would never have a proper answer.

Dust coated his index as he examinated it. He cursed his lab, it has been merely two days since he last was here and it all already was dirty.

He sighed and glanced at the window. 'Almost time to go out' he reminded himself.

He wasn't exactly fond of his plan but whatever worked. He was doing it for science after all. His sacrifices weren't vain.


"Holy- did I really sleep that long?" her sarcastic words flew out of her mouth in an automatic tone.

Truth is, it was now 6 and she fell asleep some time after 5.

'Oh joy! And I have to go to work too. How nice'

She groaned in frustration barely falling off the couch.

"Why the f- oh right" Her memories of the night prior returned to her. She decided to stop sulking and planned a reward for herself.

"If i can go all day without being depressed over something then I'll get f/f" She beamed at the thought. She hadn't had it in a while and she craved for it.

It maybe also could've helped her with getting distracted by everything going on.

After her usual morning doings, she went to her workplace. There weren't many customers but she thought that was a nice thing.

More relaxing and less interacting.

Her eyes caught sight of a certain boy who entered the small shop. She took a deep breath and calmed down.

That boy gave her the chills for no reason. He was nice to her so why was she acting like this?

She had bad feeling in her gut, she couldn't pinpoint why.

'Calm down, it's all alright. He's new to town and wants to explore. He isn't stalking you.”

She nodded to herself and spoke to the new customer whom had approached the counter.

She looked at the clock and noticed the time. '10 minutes to 13'

“hey, y/n was it? i...hope you didn't forget our...hang out” his voice seemed better than yesterday but still raspy.

Maybe that's just how it naturally was.

"oh no! not at all. I was just about to get off my shift."

He nodded understanding and got out of the shop, waiting by the door for her.

She sighed, she hoped maybe he would forget and to be completely honest it was out of her mind in that moment.

She changed her uniform with her normal clothing and exited the building, only to be face to face with the guy.

She coughed awkwardly and took some steps back, he just stood there unphased.

“Shall we go?” she asked hesitantly, he nodded.


Sitting at the booth and staring out the window, she contemplated her choices. Sure, she knew the guy didn't talk much but she hoped the whole 'hang out' wouldn't be awkward.

She was very wrong. She didn't know how to start a conversation and neither did Cody. They sat in an uncomfortable silence, waiting for their order.

'what do I talk about? c'mon think! you are a murderer and a scientist, you got to know something!'

“so uh-” they both spoke at the same time. She chuckled a bit and he just smiled slightly.

“how about we get to know each other?” he asked, now looking at her.


“i guess we need to have a proper meeting after all, don't we? sorry for running away yesterday.”

“that's fine, i get it.”

To her surprise he seemed to have much more confidence during conversations. He didn't pause nor hesitate.

“do you have a job or do you study, or something else?” she asked the only thing that came in mind.

“oh I'm studying...anything that is related to science. I always was interested in this. How about you?” he smiled once again and she did the same.

The hang out went smoothly and both seemed to have liked it. It got y/n's mind off of every bad thing and instead let her focus on something else.

Cody, on the other hand, was happy he was able to succeed once she asked him to meet up another day.

'Maybe i shouldn't have judged a book by its cover. He seems like a nice dude.'

She returned home just in time for dinner. 'Right!'

She reached her goal and so, she made herself the award she deserved.


“I've been informed you are taking action of your little plan there. Be mindful. You know what i could do if you fail”

“I will be. You don't have to worry, it's in the right hands.”

new character(s) in coming! any guesses?
Not proofread, ignore any typos

Monster [X-Virus x F!Reader] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now