She smiled at the thought and I felt like my heart just skipped a beat. "What happened to your Dad?"

She got quiet and i instantly regretted my question, as I'm about to retract it she answers. "My parents got a diverse when I was around 6, after that I only saw my Dad from time to time, prior the custody agreement they had and then what went from always seeing him to sometimes to then never he just disappeared and I haven't seen him since." She gave me a smile that didn't quiet reach her eyes.

"I'm sorry."

She shook her head. "Its fine it happened a long time ago anyway."

"Why did you stop playing basketball if you don't mind me asking?" She tensed and stopped dead in her tracks. "My mom." Was all she she said before she continued walking again. It seems like her Mom is the problem with a lot of things I can just tell by her shadiness and the weird vibe she's giving off.

"Can I ask one more question?"


"Why do your kids call you Dad instead of Mom?" I ask genuinely curious for what she has to say. "Because I'm Biologically their father." She shrugged.

"Come on, there has to be a little more to then that."

"I'm intersex, I was born with female upper body and a male lower body."

My eyes went wide at that. All this suddenly makes sense now, but I've can't lie that's kinda hot.

"...Nicki." Bey looked at me hurriedly waiting for me to respond. "You are perfect just the way you are, don't let anyone tell you any different."

I'm suddenly being embraced in a pair of strong arms and toned torso, Her vanilla and honey scent invaded my nostrils as I stayed fully immersed in her warmth. My stomach was doing flips at the contact I was having with the taller girl.

Much to my dismay she pulled away and looked me in the eyes, "You have no idea how much that means to me, thank you Nicki."

We stayed looking at each other for what felt like hours, Before my brain could comprehend I smashed my lips onto Beyonce's. I took her a second to respond before she started to kiss back. Our lips moved in perfect sync with the other and it was like the whole world around us just drifted away getting lost in each other's embrace.

I swiped my tongue across her soft lips to which she granted me access immediately and I deepened the misspelling my arms around her neck to which she did the same around waist.

Unknowns POV

This ungrateful brat, what make shed think that she can just blatantly disobey me. Especially with that bitch.
"What do you want us to do next boss?" A voice asked.

"Nothing yet until I tell you too." They nodded and we got ready to drive off.

I'll teach that bitch not to mess with what's mine, your just lucky its not your time right now. "You are not gonna leave me like all the others did. You're mine forever."

I smirked having a good idea on what my plan is to deal with them both.

Time skip (1 month later...)

Nobody's POV

Bet and Nicki have been going strong ever since their first date and have been on 3 more to top it off.

Beyond has never been happier her newfound relationship with Nicki is striving along with her relationship with her sister. Step by step they're are forming an unbreakable bond.

Beyonce even notice that Tina has been real quite lately and has really bothered her as much, which Beyonce could be any happier. Beyond has started going to Onika's house just to chill whenever Nicki had a day off work, and needless to say since their first kiss they can't keep their hands off each other. Every make out session becomes more steamy than the last as they become closer and closer to taking the next step in their relationship.

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