'What was your mission?' She then released her fist and Rumlow gasped for breath.

'To collect these crates with weapons and possible serum' reported Steve

'Soooo, you don't need him' she points to Rumlow on the floor.

'Well, we might'

'If he took a shot at you,would you kill him?' she put her hand on her hip,

'If mine or Bucky's life was in danger yes.' Steve stuttered

'Then you do not need him' she shrugs, holding 2 hands up and then twisted them - in unison Rumlows head twisted and his neck broke. Y/N took a photo of his corpse and replied with the message from earlier with:


'Right, waffles?' Y/n smiled.Bucky turned to Steve,

'What the fuck man, is this the girl you mentioned last night?'

Steve walked off and was talking into his ear piece. Bucky was staring at Y/N

'Can I buy you a drink?' Bucky grinned.

'No sorry, it's bad for my legs'

'Oh allergic? They swell?' he looks at her legs,

'Mmm no, they spread' and she walks off looking for Steve with Bucky biting his lip wanting more. Finally she finds Steve who is giving orders about the crates and asking for help to move them.

'You got a truck?' She interrupted

'At the back, but I got a big green guy that will help with the lifting'

Y/N then uses her powers to lift the crates and they were following her in the air. She heard Steve tell his team that their help was no longer needed and explained briefly what happened.
After the truck was loaded up Bucky got inside and would not keep his eyes off her,Steve then got in.

'How did you get here? Need a ride? Cause the rest of my team would like to meet you'

'Stay here for 2 minutes, I need to get my car then I can follow you but this better not be an ambush' she joked.

<Vroom Vroom> after indeed 2 minutes Y/N was behind them in her car and both their jaws dropped.

'If your too slow with pursuing her, I will give it a try' Bucky smirked while Steve gave him an annoyed look.
They then made their way back to the Avengers compound where everyone was eager to meet this beautiful,powerful woman that Steve told them about. After all the greetings and handshakes they were all sat in the meeting room asking questions.

'One at a time' laughed Y/N

'So, how did you get your powers?' Wanda asks

'I am not really sure,neither of my parents had any powers so I never got to fully control or understand them. I had a best friend and he would help and support me'

'Where is he now?' Asks Natasha

'No idea, I have not seen him in years' Y/N becomes upset and the team notices.

'I could help you, you seem to have similar powers to me' Wanda holds her hand and smiles. There was a loud noise coming from outside.

'Took him long enough' Tony Stark mocks while pouring himself a drink.

'Well don't forget, Asgard time is very different to ours' Bruce interupts.

Y/N froze.

'What time?' She goes white, unable to fathom what was just said, but who would appear she thought.

'Are you ok?' Steve gets up to walk over to her

'Asgard. It is a world in the galaxy, protector..' Tony begins to talk,

'Of the nine realms' interrupted Y/N

The team all looked at each other, wondering why and how she knew of Asgard.
The doors opened and in walked a tall,muscular man with long gold wavy hair and a smile that brightens your day.

'Tony, no sign of him on Asgard. I looked everywhere' Thor said to Tony ,who was still watching Y/N and noticed her eyes had widened but were starting to glow.
Thor saw Tony was not responding and the rest of the room was silent,he followed Tony's gaze and saw Y/N.

Y/N got up and pushed Thor making him stumble. The group got up ready to defend Thor but he puts his hand up once he saw Y/N, his eyes widened.

'What are you doing here traitor?!' she hisses,

Shocked Thor stares at Y/N who now repeatedly hits his chest with her fists. A rush of different emotions comes over her body,tears falling down her face. Thor embraces her into a hug and Y/N slowly stops struggling and breaks down crying.

'Y/N!' Thor's voice starts to break and everyone is looking at each other bewildered.

'How long have you been on earth, you never left?' He wipes her tears with his cloak.

'Not sure, I have lost count' she sniffles 'Where is Loki?!'

Everyone shifts uncomfortably in their chair and she notices.


'Well, you see Y/N when you were banished Loki changed'

'Banished?! Wait your...' Tony stopped as he realised Thor was irritated by the interruption

'Loki spent a few months in the dungeons and spoke to no one - not even my mother. Was like a part of him died that day you were gone. The hate for my father grew and grew, even refused visits from me - his own brother.'

'Can you blame him? If you did not tell the guards where we were perhaps I would still be living in Asgard' Y/N saw Tony grab a bowl and some popcorn and started handing some out.

'Really Tony' Y/N placed a hand on her hip

'Sorry,did you want some too?' He said looking serious. Y/N rolled her eyes and took a few steps away from Thor.

'Y/N I swear if I knew the extent of the punishment I would of never helped the guards!'

'Ooh no one likes a snitch pointbreak' Tony opened a soda can,

At this point Y/N now just ignores Tony.

'But where is he now Thor? I need to see him, I miss him. Am I allowed back into Asgard?' Her eyes tearful.

'I am sorry but we do not know where he is, a year or so ago he disappeared. My father heard he was looking for you and banished him from searching for you. That was the last for Loki, he snapped and fought guards then managed to escape'

'Can you get me to Asgard?' She said suddenly, Thor looked uneasy.

'I would have to talk to my father, I will try my best I promise' he kisses her head.

'So?....' Tony gestures as if to say what is this about

Y/N sighs and sits down, she then tells everyone her story. In return everyone tells her their backstory. It comforted her knowing they were also unique and she felt quite at home here.

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