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Lucia's POV:

Don't you hate it when you have two jobs, 3 kiddos to take care of, bills,  running on energy drinks and fumes with a little to no sleep schedule? Ha, me too

Man let me tell you, Working from 0600 to 2130 takes alot out of you and every week, 5 days a week, 245 days a year

My first job I'm a mechanic, well mechanical engineer but I like working with cars and hovercrafts, My second job I work at a night club, I'm the bartender there and let me just say it's a doozy

Tonight wasn't bad, not as many people at the bar but alot of people ordering from tables, other than that it was a pretty smooth night this week, haha I'm not gonna talk about this morning cause that'd take a while

Going home is the best part of my nights as well as Getting home, driving is a mind calmer for me even tho some people may find it stressful, which on some nights it is but i still enjoy it

Bringing home food for the kiddos isn't so hard cause they aren't picky eaters, they'll eat anything honestly and for me that's a blessing

  Inside and up the elevator I make it to my apartment hoping it's still an apartment and not a hazard area, I've given the kiddos lectures on keeping the apartment clean but i never know how well they listen

"Heyyy! Im Home!!"

I hear multiple steps running down the hall and down the stairs with children come flying out towards the table off the spiral stairs fighting to get to me first

"Hey Kiddos"

"Lucia! You're back with food, Great cause hunter and Luz won't stop fighting and I was stuck with them"

Vee was the calmest out of the three and hunter and Luz were the wild one's, they all three fight tho and they bicker about everything, im just glad they have their own thing to do and its not 24/7

"Haha I'm sorry, Please take the food as an apology"

"Apology accepted"

The two munchkins already set the table while me and Vee unpacked the food, we talked about our day while were but I mostly heard about their day at school, something about teachers and some student fight and a lecture... I don't know

"Oh yeah, how was work by the way?"

"Alright, nothing exciting besides people trying to set the place on fire cause their car wasn't fixed fast enough, not much"

After everything with eating and cleaning up I was told that there was mail on the

I went through the mail, most of it was garbage but then I had a fancy looking envelope, Opening it it looked to be a letter from The District.


This is a letter regarding Lucia Noceda, this is serving as a reminder of the upcoming tournament, We would like you to prepare for the 113th Annual District Challenge, We need an updated Physical and a signed Access Form from the Physician/Doctor attending, a paper/online Test to make sure your up to date with all the rules/Regulation, what and what nots to do, Please mail back/Turn in/Submit before July 20th, 2153.

Training is held at the District Offices, Training Starts on August 2nd, 2153 at 0900(9:00am)-1730(5:30pm) Training days are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday for all of August.

The first week of September you/your team will be brought to the district capitol for inspection, the second week will be preparation for the tournament, by the 3rd week, the tournaments should have already begun.
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