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God, I hope this isn't a mistake.

I'm fidgeting with my rings as I sit in a black SUV with Mitch and Sarah. I honestly don't know how I convinced them to come with me, but they both assured me that this was a good idea.

"Harry." I hear Sarah's voice from my left.

"Hmm?" I hum.

"Calm down, this is going to be fun I promise." She says, probably noticing my restlessness.

"Yeah, I hope so." I mumble.

I've had this plan to come surprise Monira for fashion week for a while now, I thought it would be a nice thing to come out and support her for her last show considering I'm at least part of the reason why she won't be doing this anymore. She mentioned in passing that her parents would be here, and I know Mel will be in attendance too, so I'm glad to know that she'll have a small group of supporters.

The three of us get to our hotel with only a couple of hours to spare before her first show. I had Harry send me her runway schedule for the week considering he has access to all things Gucci, which on second thought might be a security breach of some kind... but I decide not to dwell on that for too long.

We break off into our rooms, Sarah and Mitch in one, me in the other, and we start getting ready for the night. I know enough about fashion week to know that the first and last shows are always the most extravagant, so I decide to dress up a bit for the event. Luckily, I had Harry's help in planning my wardrobe for this trip seeing as it's quite likely that my attendance will be noticed by the press, and Alessandro recently sent over some suits for me. For tonight, I'll be wearing black trousers and a black button up shirt as my base, with a floral blazer from Alessandro to complete the look. I look at myself in the mirror,

Just as I'm finishing getting ready, there's a knock on my door from Mitch and Sarah and we make our way downstairs and to the car that will take us to the show. For the entirety of the drive, I can't stop my knee from bouncing in anticipation, not entirely sure why I'm so nervous to see someone I was with only a few days ago.

After a painful twenty minutes of light conversation and horn-honking, we arrive at the venue. Somehow, we manage to make our way inside without drawing much attention to ourselves, which I know Mo will be grateful for. The room is pretty crowded, on par for a Gucci runway at the beginning of fashion week. Conversation from all around fills the room as everyone waits for the show to start. The lights in the room are dim, the only significant light source coming from the runway, which is lit up with bright white lights. I start scanning the room for a familiar face, but I don't see her right away.

When I finally spot Mo from across the room, my heart plunges into my stomach- a feeling I've been getting way too often when I see her lately. She's wearing a long black dress with sleeves that almost look detached, and she has her gorgeous curls slicked back into a ponytail. The glimpse only lasts a moment though before I watch her press her phone to her ear and hurry backstage, likely being summoned for assistance.

Shortly after she disappears, I spot her parents in the crowd and make my way over to them. I notice that there's a man standing with them that I don't recognize, but he looks enough like the other Younan's for me to assume that it's Mo's brother, Sami.

"Ahlan" I say nervously with a wave as I approach them, trying my hand at the greeting I've heard Mo give her parents time and time again.

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