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Mel and I get home at around 6:30, and our entire apartment becomes a frenzy as we're getting ready. The address for the bar Harry sent me is definitely more of an upscale establishment, which is valuable information for us so we know what to wear.

I decide to keep the brown leather pants but switch the top for something a bit more... eye catching. I put on one of my absolute favorite sparkly top which literally looks like liquid diamonds.

I only refresh my makeup and hair, deciding I don't want to do anything too extravagant as the top really is the star of the show. I switch out my tan blazer for a black coat, and before I know it I'm ready to go. I walk out of my room to see Mel waiting for me, looking absolutely stunning in a chic red suit, wearing a black tank underneath to dress the look down a bit.

"You ready?" I ask as I put my simple gold hoops in.

"Ready as I'll ever be to meet perhaps the two coolest Harry's in the world." Mel says.

I laugh as we head out the door together. It only takes us about twenty minutes to get to the bar, and I realize upon arrival that it's a rooftop bar, which is right up my alley. Mel and I head upstairs and are greeted by a bouncer.

"Name?" He asks upon our arrival.

I open my mouth to speak, unsure of whether I should say my name or Harry's, but before I get a single word out, Harry appears behind the security guard and says

"They're with me."

Without a second question, the security guard moves aside and politely apologizes to Harry, and Harry assures him not to worry about it with a smile.

Mel and I walk past the bouncer to where Harry is.

"Monira," Harry says smiling, "I'm glad you could make it."

"Good to see you again." I reply

Then, Harry turns to Mel and introduces himself.

"Hi, I'm Harry" He says, seemingly turning on the full Harry Styles charm.

"Hello, I'm Mel, Monira's assistant." Mel says, and while they might appear calm, cool, and collected on the outside, I know they're absolutely freaking out on the inside.

"Oh, her assistant," Harry repeats, rather oddly, "that's lovely." He finishes with a smile

"Not just my assistant." I cut in, "Mel is also one of my best friends and occasional therapist. They're truly a lifesaver." I gush.

Mel just laughs and shakes their head.

"Well it is truly a pleasure to meet you." Harry responds, "Everyone else is back there at that table, someone should come round for drink orders once we get there."

We let harry lead us back to the table, and I'm greeted by the familiar faces of Harry, Jeff, and Cora. I make sure to introduce Mel to the three of them, and it's at this point where Mel gives up on trying to play it cool at absolutely obsesses over Harry Lambert. Mel decides to sit next to him while I opt for the other side of the table, scooting in next to Cora. Harry follows my lead and sits on the other side of me.

"Monira!" Harry Lambert exclaims "So happy you could join us."

I laugh and reply "Thank you all so much for inviting us!"

"The people on my team usually end up spending quite a lot of time together, so we wanted to get to know you and make sure you're not crazy or anything," Harry says with a playful smirk.

"Well, I don't know if I can promise that I'm not crazy, but my "normal person" act has been pretty convincing thus far." I reply, earning a laugh from everyone at the table.

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