Chapter 25 - Hidan's Worst Decision! Orochimaru's Training!

Start from the beginning

"I don't care what you do to Hidan, I'm just here for Orochimaru, I'm bored, and I want to train." You calmly said, distorting the last bit of Hidan's hope, "Oh and, fix my walls when you're done, or whatever you guys will mess up." The Akatuski nodded in agreement. Orochimaru looked at the group and then at you before following you out. He went to his room to get something before the 2 of you made it to the training ground. You were trying to figure out what he got, but he refuse to give you any hints. 

"So, what shall you be teaching me today?" You asked in a more playful tone than normal. Orochimaru smirked, "I want to teach you how to fight with a sword." You furrowed your brows slightly as you reminded him, "I know how to use all weapons, so what's the point?"

"I know, but what about this?" Orochimaru asked, tossing you a small, beautiful, star-like, rose neckless. You looked at it, then tilted your head, looking at Orochimaru confusingly.

 You looked at it, then tilted your head, looking at Orochimaru confusingly

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The necklace looks like the first picture, but the blue parts look like the second picture's main piece

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The necklace looks like the first picture, but the blue parts look like the second picture's main piece. 

"What's this? What for? I don't need jewelry." You questioned looking at Orochimaru, furrowing your brows a little more, not understanding the meaning of this piece of jewelry. Orochimaru's smirk grew wider, "Try injecting your chakra into it." You can practically hear his excitement in his voice although he tried his best to hide it.

You raise your brow in confusion and suspicion but you did as he told, you held the rose part in your palm. As you injected your chakra into the jewelry, it started to glow a light (f/c), you moved your hand away from you, and it seems the light followed your hand instead. After the glow, the necklace was gone, and replacing it was a very skinny yet beautiful sword.

 After the glow, the necklace was gone, and replacing it was a very skinny yet beautiful sword

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The sword you're holding is #2.

You examined the sword closely, observing its features and swinging it around to test its power. Surprisingly it fits you very well like it was made for you. You furrowed your brows as you were reminded of something, you looked at Orochimaru, "Where did you..?" You didn't finish the question, but what you were asking was as clear as crystal to him. 

"We... did some... experiments, resulting in this. This thing can read your mind, when you want to summon it, just think, as well as un-summoning. When you summon it, it'll require a very small amount of your chakra, and as long as you want it to be summoned, it will stay in its form, even when you're far away from it. And my training for you is for you to get used to this, as well as to battle with me in Taijutsu." Orochimaru explained.

"We? As in the Akatsuki?" You asked, catching on to the details. Orochimaru nodded, "As well as your beloved servant." You nodded your head in acknowledgment. "Oh, and the weapon can change forms, it has a total of 4 forms, you currently hold the 2nd. Think of the form # in your head and it'll change, play with it for a while." Orochimaru casually added.

You stop dead in your tracks for a short second before exploding, "TELL ME THE IMPORTANT THING FIRST NEXT TIME!!" Orochimaru just chucked amusingly, as you huffed in sight anger, soon you calmed down and went back to your monotonous attitude.

The forms match the #s in the picture. And for the bow mode, when you pull the non-existing string, a string of chakra will be made from your chakra, and an arrow of your chakra will be made too, the arrow will look like the one in the picture. If you have your own set of weapons imagined, feel free to use them, and you can change the jewelry it can be anything of your liking, as long as you want to. The only thing I ask of you is for the main part of the jewelry to be matching the weapon's main color(s).

You toyed with your weapons for a while, getting more and more used to them in the process, and the more you got used to the weapons, the more you started to like them. You switched to the scythe mode, finally letting it rest behind you. You then tried to un-summon it, and with another soft (f/c) colored glow, your necklace was back.

You smirked happily, "Where's your weapon? I want to fight already!" Orochimaru crossed his arms and smiled, he pushed on his stomach, and opened his mother, inside came out a snake, and inside that f*ucking snake's mouth was a sword, the sword finally fell for Orochimaru to catch it. 

You looked away from him, it's not like you haven't seen gory stuff before, but this was just disguising. So the more you can stay away from that, the better. "Here's my sword, darling, my dear Kusanagi~," Orochimaru said, you looked back at him and summoned your sword again (Form 2nd).

The 2 of you engaged yourselves in an intense Taijutsu match, and that was the first time you tried switching weapon forms in a real battle, it was... Better than you expected. Time seems to slip by your hand as sand would, as you were surprised when Zetsu came for the two of you to go to dinner.

"Wha- That much time has passed already?" You questioned, finally looking out to the sky, what you saw was the sky starting to grey down already. " You are an idiot, you have skipped breakfast and lunch already, do you not feel hungry? " Zetsu asked, looking not very pleased with either of you.

You chuckled softly, giving them an apologetic, closed-eyes smile. You turn back to look at Orochimaru, "I would say that wraps up our training. Right?" Orochimaru smiled, crossing his arms again, the sword of his was nowhere to be found, "I have nothing much to teach you,"

You snickered a little, he had more than enough to teach you, it was all his choice, and only his. On the way back, you asked Zetsu, "Would you like to be the next one to teach me? Or should it be Tobi?"

You looked at him, and he looked at you, and the answer was said...

To Be Continued...

A/n: Hope you liked it! We're getting close to the end of the book! Are you excited? Please do tell me if you need more explanation for anything, weapon or otherwise!

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