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Shawn: He's got her...Gus, he's got my mom. 

Shawn: Maybe I am crazy...All I can tell you is just now, In that moment, all I could think of was Jules. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that she's dating Declan. actually, Its kind of killing me. 

Gus: Shawn, that is not fair. 

Shawn: I know. I know its not fair....and I know your right. She likes this guy, and who am I to stand in the way. You think I don't want her to be happy? I want her to be happy...but. Serious Shawn moment here. I want to be happy to, and for some reason, I can't imagine that happening without Juliet.

Juliet: Shawn...I need to ask you something. And I'm sure this is just me, overthinking, you were at the hotel, you saw the hallways, you know the layout. 

Shawn: Guilty as charged

Juliet: Well, you said that you had this spectacular vision that Marlow was covered in garbage. But...couldn't you have just remembered that there was a trash shoot on every floor, and then taken a guess? 

Shawn: Uh...yeah....I suppose so, but that would have been a pretty wild guess, don't you think?

J: Absolutely, and you know, I probably wouldn't have given it a second thought, but then, there was this.  *She pulls out a piece of paper with concert tickets on it*  and I am sure there's an explanation, but you know me, I wont be able to stop thinking about it and I certainly wont be able to wang chung until we clear it up. Lassiter said you had a vision of herb with Michael Damion. But you had this receipt. So you knew Herb would be there...right? 

S: ........

J: Shawn are you listening to me!?

S: Falling in love with you was never part of the plan, okay? This whole thing started because my ass was on the line, self preservation Jules, you gotta understand that, I didn't have a choice. And then, we sort of found a groove, and by the time you showed up, it was so much fun. I put away like over 100 criminals, most of them were murderers. 


S: I'm good at what I do...and what I good. Isn't it..?

J: What...are you talking about!? Are you telling me this is all a lie?!

S: Please don't make me answer that....

J: Oh my god...Oh my god...I feel so stupid

S: No...sweetheart, no this is all me....

J: *Throws rest of her wine in his face and runs away*

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