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Cordelia: It's awful to feel that lonely

Buffy: Huh, so you've read something about the feeling

C: Hey, you think I'm never lonely because I'm so cute and popular? I can be surrounded by people and be completely alone. Its not like any of them actually know me, I don't even know if they like me half the time.

B: Well if you feel so alone then why do you work so hard at being popular?

C: Well It beats being alone all by yourself

Angel: I want you so badly! And I know it will cost me my soul...I'm weak.

Buffy: But what about me...? I love you so much. I killed you and it didn't help. I hate that its so hard! If I cant convince you that you belong in this world then I don't know what can. 

Buffy: It wouldn't be you spike, it would never be you. Your beneath me. 

Spike: Like it or not I'm in your life, you cant just shut me out

Buffy:....Changed the locks....

Buffy: There was no pain, no fear no doubt till they pulled me out of heaven. So that's my refrain. I live in hell cause I've been expelled from heaven. I think I was in heaven. So give me something to sing about. Please give me something. 

Anya: I don't understand how this all happens!  How we go through this. I mean I knew her, and then she's, there's just a body and I don't understand why she cant just get back in it and not be dead anymore, its stupid, its mortal and stupid and Xanders crying and not talking and I was having fruit punch and I thought Joyce will never have any more fruit punch ever.  And she'll never have eggs or yawn or brush her hair not ever and no one will explain to me why.

Buffy: Who are you...how could you do this to me. 

Giles: I'm deeply sorry Buffy and you have to understand- I

Buffy: If you touch me I'll kill you

Giles: You have to listen to me. Because I told you this, the test is invalidated. You will be safe now, I promise you. Whatever I have to do to deal will Kralic, and to win back your trust..

Buffy: You stuck a needle in me, you poisoned me...

Buffy: Are you there? I-I-uh broke something

Officer: Hello?

Buffy: it cracked! 

Officer: Is she breathing?

Buffy: No

officer: Paramedics should be there in a moment, you might have cracked a rib, its not important

Buffy: She's Cold...

Buffy: Mom had an accident.. or um something went wrong from the tumor...

Dawn: Is she okay? Is she? but she's okay- but its serious, its- 

Buffy: Dawn....

Dawn: NO..no..no..no...no...NOO..NO...NO

Joyce: Don't you talk to me that way! You don't get to just dump something like this and pretend its nothing. 

Buffy: I'm sorry mom but I don't have time for this

Joyce: NO, I am tired of I don't have time or you wouldn't understand. I am your mother and you will make time to explain yourself 

Buffy: I told you...I'm a vampire slayer.

Joyce: Well I just don't except that.

Buffy:  Open your eyes mom. What do you think has been going on for the past two years? The fights, the weird occurrences. How many times have you washed blood out of my clothing and you still haven't figured it out! 

Joyce: Well it stops now!

Buffy:  No it doesn't stop, it never stops. Do you think I chose to be like this? Do you have any idea how lonely it is? How dangerous?  I would love to be upstairs watching tv or gossiping about boys or GOD! Even studying. 

Joyce: You walk out of this house, Don't even think about coming back

These are all the ones I could think of, if you have any more suggestions then comment of this sentence :) 

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