chapter 10!

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*remeber, I got rid of tha5 tiny bit of book in the "chapter" before this*

I smile sheepishly at Sage and Mr. Dr. Man (I like it better than his name). “Nymppphh, What?!... How’d ya know?” I ask Dr.Man “Well, typically when people meet their mates they don’t pass out and then talk to themselves. It’s really just a Nymph thing.” Mr. Man replies, giving me a look that says, are you high or something. It could be because of my whole nymph thing or the fact that I'm kinda just staring at him with an, Oh that makes sense, look.

I look back or at Sage as she asks, ‘Nymph, really? A Nymph, are we sure?” My poor baby looks scared and confused. I reach a hand out to her to hold as I shake my head confirming what the doctor suspected. But before my beloved could say a word I heard hurried footsteps heading our way. Abby and Hayden burst into my room with mine and Sage’s parents following.

“See! I told you I didn’t kill your daughter!” Alpha Hayden says in a rushed voice pointing over at my bed. And while my dad just sighs in relief, my mom goes IN on the Alpha. It’s one of the moments that if you didn’t know they were childhood friends, well you would be planning her funeral for talking to him like that. But on the bright side I got her to stop after yelling at mom over and over (or until my dad physically grabbed her and used the mate bond to calm her down, but it’s whatever really.)

And then everyone starts talking at once. Sage’s parents are worrying over me, My parents trying to get info outta the poor Dr.Man, and Abby and Hayden asking me all sorts of questions. It was really starting to get loud as Sage joined her parents in worrying. Soon the noise was just too much, I felt Azura coming forward. ‘QUITE! YOU'RE GIVING US A HEADACHE!” I feel her yell through me. The whole room turns to look at Me shocked, “Now Emery can explain everything, just get us out of this stupid bed and gown. Oh! And Before I go back to my nap y'all interrupted, It’s nice seeing you again Molly and Cadin. And I’ll talk to you later mate!”

I Feel her leave. Great, she left me alone to explain all of this to everyone. How nice of her, I think before stating “Well you head me! Where are my clothes?”


Sage POV: 

After Emery’s Nymph came out the whole room changed. People were quiet and listening to my baby, but it was really weird. Her Nymph knew my parents names which were highly secured and never let out, and she addressed me. But I’m mainly just excited to meet her Nymph, I mean she wants to meet me right? She did say she would talk to me later, how late is later?

I jump as my mom's hand falls on my knee, right now we are sitting at a table waiting for Emery to come out with her parents. It’s really frustrating though, I’m her mate. And at the moment we are not allowed to be close to each other as my parents say. It’s so stupid, I feel the vampire in me stireing wanting nothing more than to barg in the room where my love is and hold her.

Right as I can’t take it any longer and I need to see her, my fathers hand lands on my other knee to hold me down. “Listen Sage. Me and your mother love you very much, and we know being away from your mate like this is very hard considering everything that has happened. But Raven and Gavin will be here soon, and you need to be present when they do arrive at this table with us. Nymphs were a  reclusive species when alive and we don’t know a lot about them. All we know is that they were known to be the most powerful species.”

Although I’m pissed, I backed down from my parents. While I know my own mate would never hurt me, I know my parents just want what's best. 

I stop sulking when I smell my betta and gamma nearing. I put on a stone face as I enter, I stand to greet them with a firm handshake. “Betta, Gamma, join us.” I say firmly. They both give me worried looks as I have never used formal titles with them. But the say nothing and sit across from my parents and I. “So, I’m guessing this morning didn’t go well. We can leave whenever, you know that right Sage?” Raven says concern in his voice. All I do is glare at him.

He doesn’t know he just suggested I leave my mate, he doesn’t know what has happened, he knows nothing. So, I keep my mouth shut so as to not hurt him.

It’s been about 10 minutes of complete silence until I hear my mate approaching. My Parents try to stop me as I go to greet Emery, but I just brush them off. Rushing to the door I open it to see my mate laughing hard and hugging another girl in the doorway. Before I can get angry the other female raises her hand out, “ Hi, I'm Berry. Em’s best friend.” I shake her hand introducing my-self feeling the anger leave me. Berry then turns to my mate as whispers, “Damn I you could have told me your mate was this hot, she’s almost turning me gay.” I know I wasn’t supposed to hear that but it makes my baby’s reaction even cuter. The blush that dressed her cheeks was just too adorable, I went to grab my mate but she reached me first. “Hi,” she says, hugging me. I say hi back and bring her into the room. My parents look uncomfortable with me so close to her, but before anyone can say anything my love growls. Loudly. The room begins to shake as Emery starts to turn a slight shade of green. Shit. she’s losing control.

I hope yall liked it!

Word count: 1037

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