Chapter 2 Property

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The next morning Amelia was awoken by the quilts being snatched from her body. With her dreams still fresh in her mind Amelia jolted up expecting to find him coming for her next. It took a moment for her eyes to clear of the sleepy haze and realize she was not in danger. Margaret stood in the room staring at her with the most repulsive look.

"What is wrong with you child?" She asked in an agitated tone.

Amelia took in a deep breath, bringing her hand to her chest trying in vain to calm her nerves. It was a nightmare. What she thought she had witnessed she did not. Just a mixture of emotions and woes at being cast away concocted that gruesome scene in her mind. It was a dream.

Wasn't it?

Margaret shook her head. "Now, we have much to do. Firstly, come here and let me truly look at you."

Amelia rounded her bed and stood in front of Margaret, her arms crossed firmly across her chest. This action peeved Margaret. She snatched Amelia's elbow and put her arms to rest at her sides. "Better," she mumbled, as she circled Amelia, taking in every inch of her. "Well I was right you are still very young in face, we can say you are ten and six it will be believable." Amelia rolled her eyes; she had not been ten and six in nearly a decade. But Margaret was right, several people had always remarked that Amelia looked a great deal younger than she truly was.

Still, it vexed Amelia and she was unable to keep her mouth shut, "Do you plan on marrying me off to a man who thinks me a child?" Amelia's question was answered by a hard quip to the back of her head. Amelia's hands flew up to hold her head, "Margaret!"

"Shut up! You rotten deviant. To suggest impropriety of anyone when you are birthed of the devil himself!" Margaret took her knuckles and plunged them into the muscles that ran along Amelia's spine causing her to stand stock straight. "Keep this posture!"

Amelia gasped at the paid "What in god's name"

Her words were cut short with a slap in the mouth from Margaret, "You filth have no right to utter the lord's name!"

Amelia shrunk back holding her mouth. She could not remember ever being hit before, her lips stung, and she was almost certain she could taste blood in her mouth. The pain in her mouth didn't have time to resonate as Margaret jabbed her knuckles into Amelia's back once more "Posture!"

"Aunt Margaret," Amelia began slowly trying to breathe, "If I have offended you." Margaret slapped her again, this time Amelia doubled over and held on to the bed post for stability. Her cheeks burned hot.

"Your very existence offends me." Margaret huffed, snatching Amelia by her chin, Margaret lifted her face to meet her eyes. "Let me speak plainly, if I had my way your skull would've been cracked upon a stone at your first breath. But my poor bewitched brother allowed you to survive that sorceress of a mother."

"What?" Amelia uttered the word as she stiffened her body, unsure if speaking would bring about another blow. Margaret's actions had entirely confused Amelia. She knew Margaret had distaste for her mother and could be eccentric but this... this was madness.

Margaret shoved her face away, "Do not tell me you are ignorant of your mother's past?" When Amelia didn't answer Margaret began to laugh "Dear child, your mother is a sorceress, married to the devil, a witch!"

Amelia thought several unsavory things about her mother in her lifetime but nothing as unimaginable as this, her prim and proper mother, a heretic? No, never. Katherine Everson was the picture of propriety; she would not even allow the children to entertain the smallest superstitions such as wishing on the fluff of a dandelion. "No, Margaret, you are mistaken." Amelia answered cautiously.

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