"You don't want to wear anything bought by him, Lilac," I said to myself.

"You don't want to wear anything bought by him. You don't want to wear anything bought by him," I repeated over and over again to myself.


We pulled into the stone driveway, stopping right in front of the steps.

Before even getting out, I saw Ezra.

He was standing there, waiting for me. Black suit. Bouquet of daisies.

He began walking down the stairs as I opened the car door.

"For you," he held the bouquet out for me to take.

But all of the things that had been weighing on my mind, made me not take them.

He just shrugged and set them down on the car.

"You look amazing, Li," he leaned down and whispered in my ear. "I had that dress handmade, just for you."

The feeling of his minty breath on my ear caused goosebumps to form on my skin, as well as hearing that it was made just for me.

"Thank you," I said quietly.

He held his arm out for me to link with his.

I rolled my eyes before linking it, and I watched him smile.

We walked up the steps, Martín and Asher keeping their distance behind us.

It felt like a million pairs of eyes fell on me as I stepped into the room.

5 years ago, it would've made me nervous. But now, it just annoys me.

"Have people never seen a woman before?" I said in a complaining tone to Ezra.

He smiled, "Everybody here knows that I've spent the past 5 years looking for you. So just so you know, there will be people wanting to meet you."

"And they can suck my dick while I get something to drink," I sighed.

I unlinked my arm from Ezra's before walking toward the bar.

Even though I was no longer with him, I still felt his eyes on me.

"What can I get for you?" a worker smiled at me from behind the counter.

"Whiskey and coke please," I requested, and she moved as if I were royalty.

She set it in front of me, and I thanked her before raising it to my lips.

"Whiskey isn't very lady-like," a girls smooth voice spoke in my ear.

I paused drinking it, holding it in my mouth for a moment before swallowing.

"It'll taste better when I spit it in your face," I replied in an overly sweet tone.

I turned around to look at who I was speaking to.

A woman in a red dress. Dark skin, hair, and eyes.

Her lips slowly spread into a smile, "That was a little bit bitchy. I like it."

"Thanks for letting me know," I said before taking another sip.

"I'm Eliza. You're Lilac, right?" her head tilted a little bit.

I nodded, and she made a soft 'hm' sound.

She suddenly looked over me, "I'll have what she ordered."

The worker began making her drink, and my eyebrows lowered.

She must've noticed this since she said, "If you like it, it can't be that bad. Now tell me, how are you and Ezra?"

"Just so perfect. In fact this morning we were taking about starting to try for kids," I said sarcastically before taking another sip.

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