Everything in between

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It's become a daily routine that instead of waking up to an alarm, as long as North Wind remembers to come that he comes arrives in his owl form after his morning duties before he comes to wake me up in dog form and hope that no one catches him being here since he's not really supposed to be here since he's not enrolled, but he insists that he wants to go into my wardrobe to pick my outfits. And hey if nothing else it's the least stressful part of my day when he does.

Here you go (outfit 2) He says handing it to me. Thank you love. I snap my fingers and make the outfit zap onto me. Where are you off too today? Music class with my sister and Kitty and whoever else is in that class with us. I'll see you at lunch. I love you. I love you too. I comb my fingers through his wild hair after his kisses my cheek, then kiss him back as he takes off. See ya at lunch. See ya! I wave after him.

The piped piper is our music teacher and we were set up in rows with Raven next to me and Kitty next to her asking our teacher to play a specific melody again. But Kitty you know what happens when he plays that. Raven points out. But he cheerfully agrees and when he does rats drop drown from the ceiling. I pull my legs up onto the chair, just in case they scurry.

Kitty smiles and disappears. Then on the loud speaker our names get called.... Queens please report to Baba Yaga's office. Us? We ask in sync as if the speaker person can hear us. But I flinch when she hears us. Yes you. We groan in annoyance as we do as we're told. I bet this is about the other day Raven. That would be my guess too. So, then why do I have to go?

IDK ask that when we get there. Was planning on it big sister. I grab my things and we exit the classroom to get to the office. Madam Yaga is everything.... Yeah ok we look to each other seeing the headmaster and a bunch of our fellow students. Raven Farrah have a seat please Queens. As a faulty adviser it is my job to help those students who are um.... Headmaster Grim cuts her off. That are troubled.

But I'm not troubled and neither is my sister. Yes because Farrah doesn't have a story to follow. Please just call me Onyx. We already have a Farrah she's Ella's FGM. Yes that is correct. Ms. Queen. So, then why am I here? We are here to get you back on the right path or rather the wrong path. But what if I.... Raven you and Onyx as she likes to be called are hear to listen. Raven annoyingly crosses her arms and grunts sitting down as I take the seat next to her. But to answer your question little Queen because well.... We'll let your peers explain to you and your sister both what this is all about. Apple why don't you begin.

Of course I'd love to, Raven and Onyx I love you both like your my sister and Onyx isn't exactly seen as well "threat" in any case but still just as important to me. But like Raven the other day you spilled ever lasting ink on my new ball gown. *ug* but I apologized and said I was sorry like a thousand times and my sister even helped me make you a new one.

That's the point Raven you're evil you're not supposed to apologize, and whether your sister has a story to follow or not she's still an evil queen's daughter she's still supposed to be evil the only thing she's forced to do evilly is to take the how to be evil classes. B-but my sister and I grumble. So, she wasn't supposed to help you fix anything or make me a new dress no matter how beautiful it is. Like I love the dress but you weren't supposed to do that.

After Apple talks to us Briar is called on to talk but she starts talking about a bungee jumping party she's putting together and texting on her phone not paying attention. Briar please, hocus focus! She get's scolded before Maddie is called on. As she pulls out her tea set, but she agrees with us. I think the Queen sisters are wicked awesome just the way that they are, and there's all this talk about Onyx not having her own story but won't she have to sign when she's old enough, but if that's true and if she doesn't then she won't you know go poof as you suggested the other day.

Besides you never told me I was here to behassle the queen sisters you told me we were here to have a tea party she scolds headmaster Grim. Yes, well I lied. Lizzie hearts we haven't heard from you. Care to give your opinion? But like mother like daughter.... She takes out her cards and slices her finger off the top of her card and cuts the top off her card, as she responds.... Off with her head, but that's the kind of response I'd except from the daughter of the queen of hearts.

You see Onyx Queen you have an option where naturally because you don't have a story since you are the sibling of a student, but you have something that no one else does and that's a choice. Which is what? I question. To take your sister's place and sign the back for you to be the next evil queen. I *gasp* something I'd thought of before, but now I've been put on the spot, and lift my finger to my chin thinking it over.

But with everyone talking at once and everything in chaos Raven gets upset and uses her powers to accidently turn headmaster Grim into a chicken, but after doing so he is happy that she did since she did something evil. But she was disappointed that she did that. She annoyingly takes my hand as we grab our things and we exit out the door. While Headmaster Grim wonders how he'll change back, calling after us to change him back.

The rest of that day the day progressed like normal North Wind came at around lunch like we promised and saw us looking upset. He flies in from his owl form and peers down at us at our lunch table cocking his head to the side in confusion frowning, then swooping down flying down sticking the landing and transforming into his dog form trotting up to me resting his head in my lap.

I flinch, and then look down smiling a sad smile. Hi babe. I say to him petting his head as he whines up at me like a sad dog. I pat the seat next to me as he jumps up onto the seat sitting next to me. Whose my good boy? I ask him kissing his nose leaning my head against his. He licks my cheek, as I wash it away. Thanks. I mumble. Can you transform please? Sure he tells me.

He transforms then wraps his arms around me hugging me as I lean up against him. My sister rubbing my back reminding me that everything would be ok that I wouldn't have to do that, that we should be able to choose our own destinies. It's not that simple Raven people don't see me as a threat cause I don't have a story to follow but at the same time want me to still act and be evil since I'm a daughter of EQ.

I know and that sucks, like a lot. But you shouldn't be the one that's worried. But Raven I'd do anything for. I turn to her. But Onyx I don't want you to do that for me. She tells me hugging me. I don't care what anybody says you can be whoever you want to be you have no destiny to follow and I don't want to follow mine. But Raven what about the poof part? I don't want anything bad to happen to anyone. I remind her as my eyes gloss over with tears.

Oh Farrah don't cry Raven tells me looking sad too wrapping her arms around me hugging me. Nothing like that is going to happen. I promise. How do you know? I don't but I'm gonna figure it out and once we figure it out we can make sure nothing bad happens to our friends. Yeah don't cry Farrah North Wind tells me pulling me back to his side hugging me again it's my job to keep you happy.

I rest my head onto his chest while he rests his head onto my head. Have I told you how much I love you today? I ask looking up at him. Remind me again angel. I love you so much. My tears fall onto his shirt, and Raven grabs my hand. I love you Raven. I mumble to her. I love you too little sister, don't worry we'll think of something. She reassures me.

The rest of the day goes on nothing unusual happens it isn't until the next morning when something goes wrong. It was the next morning (outfit 15)after North Wind had came and gone after waking me up and picking out my outfit for the day myself and the other two girls in the room were getting ready for the school day. Apple was singing this morning and Raven and I had politely tried to ask her not to sing this morning or rather in our favor preferably never not that I don't sing plenty myself, but it's really early this morning.

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