Country Realm + Afterlife

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Im realizing that I should've started with this topic since its pretty important, but eh, that's just my stupid brain not knowing how to plan things out I guess.

Country Realm:

Countryhumans have the power to travel from the "Human Realm," our dimension, to what they call the "Country Realm." Essentially, its a place where all current countries live alongside their states, territories, provinces, etc.

They travel there through a special copy of their constitution they always carry around, since its one of the most important things that defines them as countries. This copy can't be burned, broken, frozen, its basically indestructible. The only way this document is destroyed is if they change it, although then it'll just be replaced by the new constitution, and when the country dies, in which it'll just fade away alongside the country's body.

Extra information:

When a country is occupied, they lose access to this realm, and have to stay in the Human Realm.

Statehumans can also travel to the Country Realm, although they do not have a property of their own and live with their country.

In addition, colonies/overseas territories are also capable of traveling through dimensions, although they have to use the constitution of their country and live with them.


Edit 9/4/23: This whole concept is being rewritten, with there not actually being an afterlife (?). When a country dies their soul just... disappears? Sort of. It can't take on a physical form so it materializes as either nothing or a golden ball of light, don't know yet.

It still exists and can watch over the living world. Now the sort of punishment I'm offering in this not-really afterlife isn't quite really a punishment. When a soul dies, it can either choose to move on, or continue holding a grudge it had in its life. Everything is up to them, and it's their choice whether they find peace or remain bitter and vengeful.

(Tbh the afterlife is the least developed concept in my au, but I'll work on it)

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