Animal Traits

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Sometimes known as "mutations," animal traits develop on a countryhuman's body when there is an animal visible on their flag, they have a special connection with the animal or animal trait, and very rarely, when the territory resembles an animal.

The most common animal trait are wings, and most countryhumans who have wings are due to a bird on their flag. However, there have been instances of countryhumans who have wings for other reasons. Poland and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth have white wings due to their association with the winged hussars.

As I mentioned, there are also plenty of mutations that result from having an animal on the country's flag. For example, Sri Lanka has the ears, tail, and front-paws of a lioness, due to the lion in her flag. (Which you can see in the cover of this book) The Falkland Islands and New Zealand have ram horns and ram legs. And finally, Wales, Bhutan and the Qing Dynasty all have dragon ears and dragon tails, although only Wales has wings and horns.

Not only do animal traits affect the biology of the countryhuman, but also some of the tings they do and their personality. A lot of the countries with wings will pluck/rip their feathers when they're stressed, as do birds. And Sri Lanka, Falklands and New Zealand all enjoy being close to people due to lions and sheep living in groups.

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