1. Car sex

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This wasn't the first time I had been in this position. After a night out partying and drinking I had lost my friend.

Was lost really the right word for it if it happened almost every time we went out? Ever since my roommate Evan started dating the captain of the Kingsley football team, Jake, I had been going out drinking with Jake's roommate Connor. He dragged me basically everywhere with him but usually only stuck around for about twenty minutes before disappearing to get totally wasted and fall into bed with the first person to even look his way.

And then by the end of the night it was my responsibility to try and find him and get him home so he didn't end up passed out in a ditch somewhere.

When I first met Connor a few months ago things had been bad, he was drinking a lot but somehow it'd gotten worse. He seemed to be spiraling more and more ever since he got back from winter break. Now it was well into the spring semester and I was seeing sober Connor less and less.

"Have you seen Connor?" I asked Nico, one of Connor's roommates.

"Think I saw him go upstairs like a few hours ago but I don't know." He shrugged.

I groaned and turned to search the upstairs. I couldn't leave without him, Connor didn't have anyone else that'd make sure he actually got home, that'd make sure he didn't drink himself to death.

Sometimes I wanted to be angry about it, the fact that his roommates didn't seem to care or worry about the state he was in. I knew that Jake did his best to get him to his classes but no one seemed to help him when it was obvious he needed it. But I also couldn't be that mad because Connor had a way of keeping everyone out. To not actually get close to a single person.

After only a couple months I think I'd somehow gotten closer to Connor than any of his roommates were. I still knew absolutely nothing about him but I spent more time with him than them, which for Connor was about all you'd get from him.

I had to check multiple rooms before I opened one to find Connor completely naked and passed out on one of the beds. I looked around for his clothes but they didn't seem to be in the room anywhere.

"Connor." I walked over to him shaking his arm.

"Mmm." He groaned not opening his eyes.

"Connor." I poked at him again.

"Hello my angel." He blinked his eyes open looking at me with a crooked smile.

"Where are your clothes?" I asked looking around the room some more.

"On me." He grabbed at his bare chest and then looked down with a frown. "My clothes?"

"Do you know where they are?" I questioned.

"You have them?" He turned back to me.

"Obviously not if I'm asking you about them." I rolled my eyes.

"You're very pretty." He reached for my shirt practically yanking me onto the bed.

"Connor," I put my hand on his chest trying to keep as much distance as I could from him. "I need to get you dressed so we can leave."

"No fun." He pouted.

"Did you even take them off in here?"

"Sleep with me?" He totally ignored my question.

"Im not sleeping with you, not when you are like this." I shook my head.

"Pretty like an angel." He sighed flopping back onto the bed.

I knew finding his clothes was probably a lost cause. They could be anywhere or whoever had been in this bed could have taken them and they weren't even in the house anymore.

I couldn't walk him out here with his dick out so I did the one thing I could think of to solve this issue. I unbuttoned my pants working at getting them off me.

"Wooo! Take it off!" Connor cheered using his hands to pretend to throw money at me.

"You are so drunk right now." I shook my head.

"You're drunk." He laughed.

"Put these on." I handed him my pants.

"No you."

God, he was going to drive me crazy. I grabbed my pants and did my best to shove his legs into them. Connor was wiggling his legs around as he laughed so it was not easy at all.

"We should sing a song." He said.

"Can you help me get these pants all the way up first?"

"The legs on the pants go swish swish swish." He sang. "The legs on the pants go," he paused then pointed at me with a smile.

"Swish swish swish." I finished deciding to humor him.

He clapped then lifted his butt allowing me to pull the pants all the way up to his waist. I fumbled with the zipper and button trying not to think about how close my hands were to his dick. While I wasn't thinking about it Connor seemed to be.

"Trying to feel me up Jet plane? You know I don't mind." He chuckled with a wink.

"Come on let's get you out of here." I pulled him off the bed.

I wasn't looking forward to having to walk back down lugging Connor with me. Not only was I slightly worried about my ability to actually get him down the stairs, I also didn't want to walk through a party in only my boxers.

The things I did for this guy.

As we walked Connor clung to me, he was basically nonstop touching me. One of his hands was constantly trying to play with my hair and I did my best to ignore that.

It was hard sometimes to be close to him like this. It was like his touch triggered the memories. The way his hands had travelled my body, exploring every inch. The way he'd kissed his way up and down my abdomen. I had one night with him and it was all I was ever going to get but that didn't stop me from replaying those memories whenever he got close to me again.

I never really drank when I went out with him, I knew I needed to be sober and keep an eye on him. So it was my car I tried to wrestle him into, a car he didn't seem to want to get in.

He wrapped his arms around me stopping me from just pushing him in.

"You're my favorite person." He said his head tucking into my neck.

I let him hug me for a second. I let myself enjoy his embrace. I enjoyed it up until his lips started kissing at my skin, kissing and sucking at it trying to make a mark right there.

"Connor." I tried to shrug him off me.

"Taste so good." He groaned against my neck.

"You need to get in the car." I told him.

"Mmm, I love car sex."

"No sex." I shook my head opening the passenger door trying to maneuver him off me.

It didn't take too long to get him to detach from me and I just watched as he collapsed into the car seat. He seemed to be crashing so I reached over to do his seat belt for him.

"Love you Jet plane." He mumbled softly before passing out.

I just stared at him. I knew he didn't mean it but still I took the words and locked them up in my heart. I'd take drunken nonsense over nothing.

"Love you too Connor." I whispered.


So there is the first chapter. I will be posting every Monday for now, my plan is to get to twice a week uploads but my life is slightly too chaotic right now.

I'm super excited about this story. I really hope you all enjoy it. I'm going to give one warning because I don't want to see hate or annoying comments. This book has flawed characters and deals with addiction. I am not going to shy away from the dark realities of that. I based the experiences of addiction on people in my life that struggle with it and my own struggles with addiction. None of these characters are perfect and I don't mind comments about not liking characters or the things they do but I don't want to get any hate.

I'm a sensitive person, be nice to me.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
-Cora Leigh

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