Chapter 7 - Calamity Approaches

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A white-haired Demon with golden eyes gazes forward, hands behind her back as another demon, this one with black hair appears behind her.

The white haired demon sighs, mildly annoyed "What is it Noir?"

"I'm sure you're well aware of what I'm here to talk to you about, Blanc"

The demon looks to him, sighing as she shakes her head, "I will have no part in it."

"Are you certain? Are you aware of what this could imply?"

"I'm well aware, and I believe that it's just a coincidence, nothing more."

"Surely you believe it's more than that?"

"We've existed since the dawn of time itself, and over a long time, even the rarest of events can become likelihoods if not outright inevitabilities. So no, Noir, I don't believe there's anything more to this."

"And if you're wrong?"

"Then I'll do what is necessary, what about you?"

"I already have my eye on someone else. If this turns out to be true... I won't change my true ambitions, not that it likely would require me to do so in the first place."

"Ah so you're letting me go first?"

"I wouldn't say it like that. I'm saying I have no intention of it. I have already done my part and I will continue doing so until my time comes to fulfill my ambitions."

"I see... Well I'll admit one thing. Whether it's a coincidence or not, it's intriguing nonetheless."

Every minute that goes by with this small catastrophe child the more I see her as just a glorified glutton. I doubt considering her strength that it'll add any weight, but it's still worth noting just how much she eats. It seems like that's about all she does. She's entertained by other things here and there, but food excites her the most.

Luckily this means I can weaponize it. Anytime Milim misbehaves, despite the fact she could probably just brute force her way into getting it if she just threatened, I can easily just take away her snacks or lunch or something so that she doesn't misbehave any longer. She's basically a dog. Though I suppose that's a good thing for us. It means we can bind a friendship with this Demon Lord while making sure the Demon Lord doesn't easily turn on us. Given her love of food, she'll likely never go against us at all.

Currently Rimuru is checking out Vesta's progress on the full potion and its production. Technically Vesta falls under Tempest's command as a whole, mostly meaning me and Rimuru, however it seems even Rimuru realizes I'll likely be the one making the majority of the 'science projects.' This project with the potions though is certainly Rimuru's, hence why I'm stuck with the child known as 'The Destroyer'

Eventually I detected an approaching 'disturbance,' I wasn't sure what it was, however I've retained my ability to detect magical signatures. Meaning anyone I can detect with Magic Sense, I can identify through their magical signature. Each race also seemed to have a vaguely similar one, and while there were differences on individual levels, you could still tell who was an Orc and who was a Hobgoblin. Either way the people approaching had decent strength, nothing compared to mine, but still notable, and since I was able to easily recognize the magical signature of anyone in this town of that strength, I could tell it was an outsider.

After telling Milim to sit down and giving her something to eat in the meantime, I head over there quickly, eventually coming into what appeared to be three stereotypical animal people, though each with the same, yet high quality armor. The one on the right I couldn't tell if it was a hairy guy or a monkey, the one on the left looked like a horned creature of some kind, the one behind them looking like a fox of some kind, and the one standing in the center, seemingly the strongest and likely leader of the group was a feline, though which kind I wasn't sure.

(OLD) The Saga of Slime and Devilحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن