Change Is Inevitable

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Kingston "hey Charlie wait up man your moving to London in six days right".
Charlie "yeah I'm not exactly sure if I want to go I mean I did research on my home no one ever comes out of the home just paranoya it still freeking me out".
Kingston "suppose so but your paranoid you little cry baby anyways I thought I can help you move out my mom said I can go with you if your mom says I can"
Charlie "yeah sure ill ask my mom now" (Charlie's text) "hey mom can Kingston come with us his mom said he cold if you dint mind".
(mom's text) "yeah sure but he needs to get his own ticket for the plain alright".
Charlie "she said yes but get yourself a ticket because she can't afford one yet".
Kingston "yeah OK I can get one now if my mom lends me a 20".
Charlie "yeah nice alright see you later Kingston".

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