10 - Keigo Takami

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"Here (Y/n) I got you the canned coffee you like" I had been growing tired of just sitting here so I moved to accept the drink. "Oh, than- What is this Bravo?" She knew what I liked and there was no way I was drinking the thing she was trying to hand me. "Canned coffee?" Bravo was smart although mistakes could happen so I gave her the benefit of the doubt that the machine had spit out the wrong drink. "I don't drink it black it's too bitter and you know that"

"Hold that thought I will fix it, Queen Picky" I wasn't sure how she expected to fix it since she was going in the opposite direction of the door. "Don't call me that" Since I was curious about her actions, I watched Bravo carefully. "Stop acting like a picky toddler and I will... Excuse me Hawks could you spare one of your drinks?" Of course, she would ask him. Everyone knew he loved sweet drinks and he had at least ten cans sitting on the table in front of him. "Why would I share with you?"

"It's for (Y/n) she refuses to drink this one" When his eyes shifted to mine, I looked away although still listened in to their conversation. "She is a sweetheart. Sure, take one but I expect something in return" I really didn't need coffee if that meant owing that jerk anything. "Oh, don't worry about it Hawks. As far as you're concerned (Y/n) over there will pay you back" I swear if she was planning some cruel joke surrounding me, I wouldn't forgive her. "I'll take your word for it"

"Here you go brat" Regardless of my current feelings I took the can but I wasn't happy about it. "What did you mean by I'll pay him back?" Me and Hawks very rarely got along. Bravo knew that, hell everyone knew that since we're ended up in the news a couple of times for fighting in the streets. "Number ten. Come along my sweet birds of a feather. We don't have all night" It took me a minute but as Bravo held my number up to my face, I felt my stomach drop. "You didn't"

"But we did. Go on (Y/n) and remember to play nice" There was no getting out of this. I could have tried to run but getting passed Bravo wouldn't happen. "Go on (Y/n). No need to be shy. I highly doubt he bites" Hearing that had put me on edge and as the stupid bird looked at me from the closet doorway, I let out a sigh. "It's only seven minutes, right?" Bravo should have just kept her mouth shut instead of trying to freak me out. "A lot can happen in seven minutes (Y/n) but if things go too far just scream and we'll let you out"

"I hate both of you" Bravo could have cared less about that comment but little Yuki was already glaring at me. "What about Ren? She always avoids being lumped with us"

"Because she behaves herself... See you in seven" Stepping into my prison I found a spot on the floor while my partner sat somewhere else. He was in there but since it was dark, I couldn't make out where he had decided to sit. "Fancy meeting you here (Y/n)" He was close although surprisingly he hadn't tried to touch me yet. This was much different from the work-study when I was forced to work with him. Always touching my hair and teasing me. "Shut up Hawks. I'm not playing this game with you"

"Are you still upset over the work-study?" He need that was the reason but I didn't come to this party to discuss hero work. Hell, I didn't even expect him to be here. "We're not doing this" Ignoring him for the next seven minutes would be difficult since he could be a brat when he didn't get what he wanted although I figured I could manage. "Come on. I gave you canned coffee" Yeah, this game was a lost cause so instead of bearing with it, I stood up. "I'm leaving"

"No, sit back down" The brat had taken hold of my wrist and was refusing to let go. He was stronger than me I'd give him that although this type of behavior was uncalled for. "What are yo-ahh! What the hell, Hawks!?" I had been pulled into his lap and when I tried to move his hands only kept me there. "Sorry (Y/n) but you need to follow the rules. I wanted to play this game and plus I get you as a partner"

"Let me go Hawks. This isn't funny" I was trying to break free but this bird wasn't loosening his hold at all. "Call me Keigo" Hawks had mentioned a name although I was confused as to why. "K-Keigo?" It might have taken me a minute and as he replied I realized his man wanted me to use his actual name. "Yeah, Keigo Takami~ Don't worry I'll make you scream it later. Just kidding!" He joked far too much for someone his age. "You're a dead man"

"Seriously (Y/n)? You need to relax. You're still young it's not a crime to enjoy your life. Stop being so boring. Come on have a little f-mfff" Playing this game was the only way to get him to stop talking although now that my lips were against his it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. My actions must have surprised him since Hawks hadn't moved at all. Even after I pulled away, he just remained quiet. "What's the matter Keigo? I thought you wanted to play with me"

"You kissed me. I didn't think you'd do that but you did. Why?" Of course, he'd want to know my motive although I was just following the rules of the game. "It's a part of the game stupid bird" Our time was nearly up and Hawks was just muttering under his breath in the corner. "Yeah, bu- Neither mind it's not important" He was usually on his game but I guess kissing him threw off his balance. "Time's up (Y/n)!"

When the closet door popped open, I finally allowed myself to stand so I could leave. "Per- Let go Hawks. You're not a child" I hadn't expected Hawks to grab onto my waist but I'd be damned if this slowed me down. He had his face buried into my sweater and refused to speak forcing me to walk with this brat dragging behind. "Get off Hawks. Go back to your seat" People were looking at me but Hawks still refused to get off. "Come with me"

"No, you're a grown man act like it" I was actively trying to push him away but it was almost like he was stuck to me. "Come on (Y/n) stop being stubborn. Pleaseeeeeee go with meeeeee" This man was worse than a child and if he continued this behavior, I was never going to live this night down. "Off now. Go away brat. Be gone" That seemed to do the trick since he got back to his feet and even gave a mock bow. "As you wish princess. I am truly sorry but this is necessary"

"What is ne- Hey! Put me down! Bravo do something!" Hawks had literally picked me up off the floor and started to walk towards the door. I tried to get the help of my friends but those two didn't even spare me a look. "Did you hear something, Yuki?" Ren would help me although I couldn't see her anywhere. "Hm? Nope must have been the wind"

"Traitors! Put me down Hawks or else I'll-" Hawks' pace continued but he interrupted my threat towards him. "Or else you'll what? The last time I checked I'm stronger than you. Just relax little birdie it'll be fine. I'll return you to class come Monday"

"Monday? That's two days away!"

"I know"




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