3 - Neito Monoma

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"Who's that guy over there, Ren?" There had been this person shouting for the entire party but from the looks of it, he was sober so his behavior must have been like this on a regular basis. "The one talking to himself in the corner?" She must have noticed me staring at him since she hit the nail on the head. "Yeah, him" Ren was a genius when it came to knowing who people were so it wasn't a complete surprise when she started to tell me this weirdo's info. "Neito Monoma of Class 1-B. His quirk is pretty useless if you ask me"

I never asked about his quirk although now I was curious. "What's his quirk?" As I awaited her answer, I took another sip from my soda. "He can copy the quirks of others just by touching them. If I were you, I'd stay away from him" Now, I wouldn't call that a useless quirk however it might be difficult to rely on in battle. I'd say he could make a good sidekick though or maybe a sole pro if he could hold his own. "A copying quirk? That's pretty cool but why is he so full of himself?"

"Ask him when you're in the closet with him. I saw Yuki paired you guys together. Not sure why but I hope you don't kill him" Hmm, I would have thought she'd find more enjoyment in pairing me with a villain however I was fine with this arrangement. If anything, he could just spend the entire time talking about himself. "Ren stop making me sound like a crazy person... I'm going to the restroom before this starts" Ren had sent me a look but didn't try to stop me. "Don't take too long your partner might grow concerned"

"Good for him"


Three Hours Later...

I had finally decided to return to the room although as soon as Yuki spotted me, she blew up. "(Y/n) what the fuck!? I thought you were going to the restroom! How were you gone for three hours!?" Keeping track of time wasn't my job and besides, I had thought they had forgotten about me since no one was banging on the bathroom door looking for me. I could have been dying on the floor for all they knew. "Stop acting like it's the end of the world. None of you came looking for me"

"What were you doing in there?" She knew me knew while enough to have some kind of idea although against my better judgment I told her exactly what I had been doing. "I was watching a movie. So, did my partner get tired of waiting for me?" I could see most of the people had left or now sat with another person. Even Yuki was sitting on Shigaraki's lap as she scolded me. While Ren was playing cards with some burnt chicken nugget-looking guy. Each looked to be enjoying themselves but I'd be the one scolding them later. You know after Yuki was done chewing me out.

"You were watching a movie?" I didn't like the way she said that but I wasn't helping my cause either. "Yeah, but my battery died. I didn't get to finish it" My phone needed to be replaced since it was fully charged before this party had started. Then again, I should be gentler with the device in the future since I was always tossing it around without a care in the world. "What fucking movie were you watching that's over three hours long?" Oh, right she was still here. "I never said it was one movie"

"Your partner went home awhile ago. If you're still interested in playing, I'm sure he'll be fine with it. He's in dorm 1-B... Hey, what room is that weirdo in!?" It took me a minute but as I watched this exchange, I realized this girl was going to force me to go to this guy's room. "Third floor, first room on the right" When her eyes returned to mine, I could just see the way they were filled to the brim with amusement. "What he said... Good luck (Y/n)" Her hand tried to wave me off but I just stood there. "I never said I wanted to play"

"Well, if you don't drag your sorry ass over there you can sleep outside tonight" Alright, she knew me too well. "Fine... I'm not happy though" My feet were already walking towards the exit while Yuki tried to get in the last word. "I could care less"



30 Minutes Later...

I had finally found the dorm for class 1-B and now stood outside my partner's door. "This is it... I really don't want to do this... Just get it over with (Y/n) then we can go home" It was going to take more time if I dragged it out so before I could back out, I raised my two fingers towards the wood.

'Knock' 'Knock'

There wasn't any sound when I pressed my ear towards the door and I was about to give up when someone cleared their throat behind me. "You're one of the girls from the party. What are you doing at my door?" I hadn't even heard him but when I turned around, I noticed it was that blonde jerk from earlier. He was only in a pair of shorts while towel drying his hair although I looked away. "I was supposed to be your partner for that game and my friend has forced me to come over here"

"Oh, you're number three?" It didn't click at first but as I thought about what he had said I realized this was his room and I was expected to spend seven minutes in hell with him. Such a short amount of time although with how it stood now, I didn't even want to look at him. "Can you put a shirt on?" I must have caught him after a shower. "No, and you didn't answer my question" If he was going to stay like that, I needed to leave sooner than later. "You know what I'm just going to leave"

"What quirk do you have?" Even though I was facing away from him I could feel the way his hand was reaching toward mine. "Don't" I didn't want him copying my quirk. Controlling it was hard enough on a good day. Some untrained moron would destroy something within a second. "Why?" Telling him anything wasn't going to happen. "Don't" He looked a little annoyed with me but funny enough he decided to leave it alone. "Do you want to play this game or not? I have class in the morning so hurry up and make a decision"

"You're not very nice but yeah I'll play this stupid game with you. Seven minutes that's all"

"Alright good choice" The moment his hand reached out to grab me I panicked although it was too late to pull away as he made contact with my wrist. "Hey! I told you not to touch me!" I thought he was going to use his quirk but instead, he just pulled me into his bedroom before slamming the door shut.


He had locked the door although I wasn't that concerned since he was training to be a hero. "Relax I didn't copy your quirk if that's what you're worried about" When he took a seat on the bed, I just stood by the door not sure what my next move should have been. "Take a seat. You only have seven minutes after all... unless, of course, you wanted to extend that time limit. Hahahah" Something about this guy's laugh was ticking me off and I wasn't sure why. It was almost like I had heard it before. "No, you only get seven minutes"

"Fair enough" Taking a seat I stared over at him and tried to keep myself from looking past his chin. "So, who are you? I can't say I've seen you around U.A. before" There were only so many classes attending this school although it was stupid of him to assume I even attended this hellish one. "No, I'm from the school across town. I'm (Y/n) and that's all you may call me" I knew many students would go by their last names but not me. "What's the matter, didn't want to come to this fine school?"

He really was full of himself. "No, I had better options" I watched his eyes go big although I didn't think much of it. "B-Better options!?" He clearly was someone who believed U.A. was the best school a hero could attend however I wasn't even going to let him start talking about how great it was. "Are you gonna make the first move or not. If you keep talking the seven minutes will be up in no ti-mfff" I hadn't expected him to move in to kiss me although I quickly fell into it as I felt his tongue run across my bottom lip.

We continued for some time but when he pulled away, I could see a cute blush spreading to his cheeks. "I didn't think you had it in you" Maybe this game wouldn't be that bad after all. "(Y/n)!? Are you in there!? We have to go!" I hadn't expected them to come looking for me this soon but before my partner could speak, I held a single finger to my lips. "Close your eyes" I knew Bravo's quirk involved sight although it couldn't allow her to hear sound. As long as we remained silent with our eyes closed things would be okay.

He must have realized what was going on since he listened to me but pressed his lips back against mine. I could have stayed like that all night although knew better as I pulled away. "Sorry, Monoma. I have to get going. However, if you want to tell me how great U.A. is compared to my school let me know. It's been fun. See ya later"



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