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"What kind of party is this again?" This so-called party was set to begin within the hour although I was still in the dark about the details surrounding it. "I'm not really sure (Y/n) but this is U.A. High" It was Ren to speak up and frankly I was confused as to what she meant. Sure, this was a school full of drama however I must have missed how that meant something to me. "Does that mean something to me?"

"No, but it is a school known for crazy shit so we should be entertained" Alright I was satisfied with that answer although now they were setting up an expectation. "Hm, I hope you're right. It's been boring lately. Why did I even get an invitation?" I knew things didn't always go my way and the papers loved to drag my name through the mud however I didn't expect the school to allow me to attend. Nothing against U.A. although mixing a troubled student with a troubled school seemed like a recipe for disaster.

"It was extended to our school but we were the only ones who took up the offer" I didn't recall taking up any offer as Yuki pretty much decided we were going. However, I get went with what they had said. "Right, because we're bat shit insane and know how to have fun" All three of them had sent me a look. "I'll take your word for it (Y/n). Here let me get the door for yo-ouch! What the fuck!?"

Now, I hadn't expected to see Yuki being assaulted by a door tonight but I almost wish I had my camera on me. "Kacchan wait!... Did he hit you with the door!? I'm so sorry! You three must be from one of the other schools. I'm Izuku Midoriya" Even though this was my friend and while I did care for her, I couldn't hold in my laughter. "Did the door finally smack some sense into you, Yuki? Hehehe. You're being pretty quiet over there" I completely ignored the student who was apologizing although Bravo could deal with him in a minute. "Shut up (Y/n)! When I find that guy, he's dead"

"Sorry to interrupt but would that make you two Ren and Bravo? I heard about your group in the paper" Of course anyone who read the paper would know who we were however this event was supposed to be for fun so we weren't in our hero outfits. It was a little strange to be recognized like this but I got passed it. "All bad things I hope"

"No, actually they were pretty cool stuff being said. You're (Y/n), the leader of the group! What is your quirk!?" The paper never could get my quirk right and for that reason, I wouldn't be telling this fanboy anything. "That's my own business. Come on Bravo" I wanted to get this party over with as quickly as possible. "Sorry Midoriya but (Y/n) isn't the greatest when it comes to interacting with people"

"Ah, no, no, no! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have asked her about her quirk!... I'll see you guys later I need to bring Kacchan back" I must have missed it before but that was a cute nickname. "Good luck with that and when you do tell him someone waiting to kill him" Yuki, of course, was going to start a fight before the night was over although that would add some spice to the party. "Yuki?" As her friend, I needed to at least remain her to be cautious. "Yeah?"

"Don't play with fire. Come on I want to find out what this party is all about"

"Fine but just so you know I'm not playing with it. I'm dumping a bucket of water on it"


Sometime Later...

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" The party started a while ago and since it was mostly high school students present there wasn't any liquor although I was starting to think someone spiked the punch. "It would appear so" My eyes went back to the thing I was staring at and I really didn't want to believe it. "But why are there villains here?" I could take out a couple of them if things went south but if they all gathered together it would be bad. "The heroes do not seem concerned. How very odd"

"Yuki? Did you spike the punch?" She would be the person to do it since it's happened at least twice this year alone. "Tsk. No, Bravo said I needed to behave tonight... Although I have an idea" I don't want why but the moment she said that I wanted to flee the room. "I don't like the sound of that" Even Bravo agreed with what I had been thinking although her feet remained in place. "Hey! Who wants to play a game!?"

"No objections? Good! Everyone will take a number and shut up! When your number is called you will go into this... yeah, this closet right here and spend seven minutes with your partner" I couldn't believe what I had just heard. "Did she really say that Bravo? Please tell me I'm losing it" Bravo would never lie to me and as she started to reply I was planning my escape. "No, that is exactly what she said. Don't worry though my dear"

"Bravo, have you noticed the type of people in this room? Some of them are in their 30's" Being stuck in a closet with another student was fine although knowing my luck I'd end up with a teacher. That was even they even agreed to play. Wait a second. Now that I thought about it, I didn't see any teachers. There was some student in a yellow sleeping bag in the corner although after a final sweep no teachers were found. "You do make a good point but like I said don't worry about it. Have fun and we'll have Ren mindwipe you in the morning"

"I hate you"

"Alright, who has number one!?"


To Be Continued...

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