"What are you?"

He dragged half-way back into reality, one toe in and one foot still yanked out, when Astrid called out to him. Her voice sounded oddly muffled.

"Seabass, I don't think you should touch—"

Too late.

Curiosity overrode all other beliefs he had previously held for self-preservation. His fingertips pressed into the cool tunnel wall. Except it wasn't cold; nor was it sturdy like stone should be. The glowing arch rippled under his touch like he was nothing more than a pebble tossed into the Ember Sea. It was a vibration beneath his hand that tingled his skin. The humming in his brain rose in pitch until it was so high that he swore it would fracture his skull into a useless bag of bone shards—

The wall disappeared.

Sebastian's scream fell with it, dissolving into an awed gasp as the tunnel that had surrounded him transformed into an impossible vision that he had only ever read about and certainly should not exist anywhere on Mount Halum.

Sebastian stared into it.

A warm, humid breeze swept across his cheeks, wafting a salty scent with it that smelled of sunshine and seaweed. It smelled a bit like Eilibir but not as fishy. Fresher. He pressed closer. Crunch. The tip of his nose smashed into the original stone wall that was now, somehow, invisible and yet still solid enough that it left Sebastian's nose stinging. Sebastian pulled back, surprised, and blinked. The tropical vision remained, however, even when he reopened them. His nose stung—it was most likely bleeding—but pain was nothing compared to the mystery before him.

An illogically tall tree trunk stretched into the azure sky, the base so skinny and curved it seemed improbable it could hold up the wide, fanning leaves. They folded overhead like a vibrant green canopy.

Only one word came to mind. No matter how illogical it sounded on his tongue. "Soleita?"

Slim fingers wrapped around the wrist connecting him to the archway. His head jolted at the contact, forehead bouncing off the hidden barrier. No, he wanted to say, let me go back! But the touch felt familiar. Dazed, he glanced down, the foreign fingers strangely elongated as if their owner had pushed them into water and light was causing the image to bend at odd angles. It was as strange as it was beautiful, which reminded him of a girl with hair as bright as the luminescent sea creatures rumored to swim around the shores of Soleita, a girl who spoke of murderous, giant earthworms with unparalleled glee.

Memories of Astrid, the tunnels, and the massive fae warriors filtered back to him and, summoned with them, his fear. Someone shouted; he wouldn't have been surprised if it was him. He fumbled for what he hoped were Astrid's fingers, trying to grasp his way back to her and the tunnel. What if he could never get back? A spike of panic froze him in his flight, just long enough for a melodic voice to entice him back to the Soleitian vision.

The words carried from the palm fronds.

"Saviour of mortals and creatures of seven."

His heart pounded, fingers burning hotly.

"Redeemer and sinner can rise Earth or descend."

Sebastian knew the words with the familiarity of a song he had heard a handful of times. His neck veered towards the voice as dark clouds gathered along the horizon. The palms twisted as the calming breeze picked up into a howling gale. Sebastian's hair whipped back and forth across his forehead, eyes watering from the force of the wind.

Somewhere, a woman screamed.

The scream cut off as abruptly as a man appeared in front of Sebastian. Dark, smooth hands gripped his shoulders. "You must be a fool, boy."

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