Chapter 3 - The First Death

Start from the beginning

"Oh." I felt slightly disappointed that I wouldn't be able to be in a club with Clarissa. Honestly, I would have picked any club if it meant I'd be with Clarissa.

Clarissa bent her face close to mine and smirked. "Do you have a club in mind?"

I gulped at her close proximity. I shook my head, hoping my face wasn't blushing. "I've never been in a school club. Before I moved here, I had to go back home as soon as school had finished."

"That's a shame. Do you have that rule here too?"

I shook my head again, only this time I was smiling. "Definitely not!"

Clarissa's face lit up. "You should totally pick a club to join! There are sport clubs, a music club, an art club, a literature club... I'll definitely help you out. But I'd best head home now, I have no rep activities so I don't want to stay here any longer than I already have to. I'll see you tomorrow, Tsuki-san!"

"See you tomorrow, Clarissa-san!" I waved cheerfully, so pleased that I had been able to make a new friend... Two new friends, if I counted Akira.

I began heading home alone, but it wasn't that long until I saw Riku leant against one of the trees on the side of the street, hands in his pockets. He was looking off into the distance with a calm expression.

It then occurred to me that I hadn't seen Riku since lunchtime. He was in the classroom after Clarissa and I had left, but was gone when we came back. He had been sat alone all day, and none of the other students paid him any attention. Could it be that he was a victim of bullying?

Even though the things he said that morning had hurt my feelings, I decided that it was okay to give him another chance. Besides, if he was being bullied he had every right to be cautious and not to take up my friendship offer.

"Fujiwara-san," I addressed him.

Riku turned to face me, pushed his fringe out of his eyes. "Good afternoon, Takeda-san."

"I noticed that you weren't in the afternoon classes. Is everything okay?"

Riku nodded unsurely, looking around as if making sure nobody was eavesdropping. "Yeah, I just needed to get away for a while."

"Hey, do you need help with the work you missed? I can help you-"

"I can just read the pages in my free time," Riku interjected.

I pretended that him interrupting me didn't upset me. "Oh, okay..."

I didn't understand. I was trying to be nice to Riku, and he just kept pushing me away? I wanted to try make new friends. Surely I hadn't already done something to upset him, had I?

Riku sighed. "I'm sorry," he said, as if he had been reading my mind. "I know I'm acting harsh. I... I can't help it."

"It's fine, I'll leave you alone," I responded, trying not to sound upset. I had learnt that if someone wasn't reciprocating my kindness, I just needed to leave them alone. They weren't worth my time.

But when I tried to walk away, Riku grabbed my arm. His grip was firm yet careful, and he was still wearing his gloves.

"Wait!" He cried.

I turned to face him, my eyes wide open, and I could feel my heart racing so quickly. Having his grip on my arm made me flashback... It made me remember things that I didn't want to remember... All the memories and emotions which I desperately wanted to forget were all flooding back to me... It suddenly felt like the world was heavy closing in on me, I felt short of breath, and I felt my whole body turn cold...

Riku hurriedly let go of my arm. "Sorry!" He yelped. "I didn't mean to do that!"

I wrapped my arms around myself out of instinct. "I'm sorry. I... I don't like being touched by people," I whispered. My heart was thrashing in my chest.

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