Chapter Two

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I held my hand on Klaus' boney shoulder as I manuvered us through the market. People were everywhere. Small stands stood on every corner, a few even sat in the middle of the streets. Men and women yelled, and a couple brawls broke out among people over the last loaf of bread. Children's clothes were ragged and filled with holes. Faces were dirty, and eyes were dull with hopelessness. I pulled Klaus toward me as we past an older woman sitting on the curb; her arms were wrapped around her curled legs, and she rocked back in forth muttering to herself. Klaus eyed her cautiously as we hustled past. I squeezed his shoulder reassuringly. Motioning to a stand about ten yards away, I pointed to the three running the stand. Our Aunt Barb, Uncle Mason, and our cousin, Nikolas. My aunt's eyes brightened when she saw us making our way towards her.

"Klaus! Margret! I've missed you two. How are you?" She asked, worry clouding her eyes.

"We're alright." I said, not giving a thing away.

"You sure you don't want to live with us?"

She asked us this everytime we saw her. I always declined, she could not afford to feed us anyways. I looked her over. Her once beautiful strawberry-blonde hair hung dull, and limp at her shoulders. Her once pretty defined cheekbones now juted out of her skinny face. I looked past her at my uncle and cousin. My uncle looked sick, almost deathly sick. That worried me because there wasn't any medicine anymore. The Silvers had raided every hospital, every drugstore, and every grocrey store and taken all the medicine. They may be stronger than us but they still got sick. My cousin, on the other hand, was healthier than than his parents.Sure he was skinny, but we all were. His hair was becoming long, almost shoulder lenght, and his eyes were bright, healthy.

"Yes. We are fine where we are." I finally responded to my aunt.

She looked both extremely worried, and very relieved at the same time. I didn't blame her. I traded her a gallon of milk and a half dozen eggs for a new shirt for Klaus and a pair of jeans for me. We said goodbye and made our way to two other stands. We recieved a bar of soap, a very small package of goats cheese and an old cow halter for two dozen eggs.

"So what do ya think Klaus, did we do good today?" I asked him as we entered our house.

He brought his fingers to his chin and pretended to stroke a bread. He acted deep in thought for a moment before he answered.

"Yes." Was all he said before he darted away. Strange child. I put our new items away. If uncle Mason is sick then there is absolutly nothing anyone can do for him. If anyone has any medicine left anywhere they won't share it or it won't be the right stuff to help him. I had a small bottle of Advil and a bottle of cough syrup. I kept it all under a secret campartment under a floor board in my room. It was stashed away with a few valuable belongs, and all the money my family had. Money really has no value anymore, but there may come a day when we can use it again. I prayed for that day to come soon.

Klaus was in the back yard shooing all the chickens into the shed. I looked to the sky, which was clouded over, and watched as the sun sunk closer and closer to the horizon. I waved Klaus in before it got dark. Once Klaus was inside I went around and locked every single door. Including the chicken shed, and the barn doors. If they were left open people would sneak in and steal our chickens and cows. I moved down our old, creaky hallways by candlelight. That was another thing there was limited electrcity. I tried to only use it to shower. I peeked in Klaus'  room. He was lying facedown on his bed. I knew he was awake, and as i walked closer I heard his soft sobs. My heart broke slightly.

I hated it when he cried. I knew I could not do much to fix it. I crawled onto his bed and settled down next to him. Klaus quickly turned and mashed his face into my side. I felt his tears wet my shirt, and his sobs shook his body. I could only try and calm him so I just sat and rubbed his back until he fell asleep. I followed soon after.


Dark shadows fell over the town. A loud humming came from the skies. Military planes flew overhead. All the children playing in  the street paused their games and looked up. Adults stopped their work. I looked up fearfully dropping my book. My brother, Jaxson scrambled towards the window and hollared for my father. My father emerged at the top of the basement steps, his mouth set in a grim line. In his hands he held two rifles. One he slung over his back and the other he flung towards my brother. My mother cried as my father kissed her goodbye. I looked at them sadly as they walked out the front door. My mother clutched my baby sister to her and sobbed. My eyes tracked them until they dissapeared into a throng of other men, all headed towards the capital.


I woke up with sweat covering my forehead. I dragged myself off the bed, careful not to wake Klaus, and walked across the cold floor towards the kitchen. I ran my fingers through my hair and quickly pulled it back into a ponytail. Light was starting to flicker in through the windows.

I hate to publish this now where it's so short but I haven't uploaded in forever and I apoligize.... forgive me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2013 ⏰

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