25 - My Name Is Trouble

Start from the beginning

"Yes!" Hanna said as they all screamed as the person jumped for them. 

Spencer woke up, not even having a second to freak out over her dream, from Melissa with a flashlight and searching around her sleeping body. Clearly looking for something. 

"What's going on? What are you doing?" Spencer asked. 

"Looking for my ring. Would you mind getting up?" Melissa said, not stopping her search in the couch. 

"What ring?" Spencer asked, half asleep. 

"My wedding ring." Melissa said. 

"Why would you take it off?" Spencer asked, sitting up. 

"It was cutting off my circulation. One of the perks of pregnancy. None of your shoes fit and your fingers turn into sausages." Melissa said. 

"Do you want me to get that?" Spencer asked, noticing Melissa's phone vibrating on the coffee table. "Your phone is buzzing. Do you want me to get it?" She said, reaching for the phone. 

"Keep looking, would you?" Melissa said, stopping Spencer before she could reach the phone. She picked it up and answered, leaving the room as she did. "Hey, I'm not alone. Let me get upstairs, okay?" She said quietly, walking towards the stairs. 

Spencer quickly followed behind, trying her hardest to hear what Melissa was saying. 


Emily washed her hands as the only other girl in the bathroom walked out. 

"We gotta find a better place to do this." Aria said, as her and the other three girls all walked out of the stalls. "Somewhere preferably with a fan." 

"Good luck. We're gonna have to dig a tunnel under the school." Emily said. 

"Yeah, not with those hands. You need some serious moisturizer" Hanna said. 

"It's bad." Emily said. 

"Look, won't your mom be impressed this scout even took the time to write?" Aria asked. 

"Here, use this. It costs more than my purse." Hanna said, still on about the moisturizer. 

"Guys, it's a maybe letter. My mom needs to see something real, something that says, let her stay in rosewood. We want her. Don't take her to Texas." Emily said. 

"Em, there are other colleges." Aria said. 

"Yeah, other scouts will want you." Spencer said. 

"When? My mom's already packed up the whole kitchen. She keeps telling me how much I'm gonna like the whole rodeo." 

"Move in with me." Katherine said. "Tell your mom that my mom is cool with it." 

"I love you, Kat, but my mom would never let me stay in that house. She doesn't even like when I'm there for longer than a second." Emily said, not wanting to repeat the crude things her own mother had said about Katherine's mom. 

"Let's just do this later." Aria said, as they heard people talking from outside of the bathroom. 

"What about after school?" Hanna asked. 

"I can't today. I've got field hockey." Spencer said. 

"I'm getting drinks with Noel and Eric." Katherine said. 

"I have swim practice." Emily said. 

"I'm starting my class at Hollis." Aria said. 

"Is Jackie gonna be teaching it?" Spencer asked, after they all looked at each other for a moment. 

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