When I Wake

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Blinding white pain was all Newt could feel as he felt himself pulled from the depths of unconsciousness. His whole body was on fire, and when he tried to sit up, he nearly screamed from the movement as it tore at his weakened muscles. It wasn't until he saw his leg, though, that Newt really lost it. It was bent at a horribly unnatural angle, parts of the bone sticking out of the flesh on his lower leg.

Not only did the sight bring on a new wave of nausea, it also brought back the memories of the previous night. Of his attempted suicide.

For a moment he just stared at his leg and whispered to himself, "Why didn't I die?"

Then, as if overcome by an animal madness, Newt flipped over on the bed and began pounding on the headboard violently, screaming unintelligible things. His pain was now just a dull ache as insanity took over his mind and body.

Alby burst into the room and ran towards Newt, his face a mask of worry. "Newt! Stop! What are you doing?"

Newt picked up a cup from where it rested on the stand next to his bed and threw it as hard as he could at Alby's head. "GO AWAY!" He screamed as Alby easily deflected the cup onto the floor, where it shattered into a million pieces.

Alby ignored Newt as he continued to tell him to go away, and Alby approached the struggling boy and pinned his arms down to the bed before yelling over his shoulder, "Clint! Jeff! Get up here now!"

"Let go of me!" Newt growled as he began to kick out at Alby, just to feel his legs pinned down by Clint and Jeff as they raced into the room.

"What's wrong with him?" Clint asked Alby, his brow furrowing as he restrained Newt's broken leg, holding it carefully above the knee.

"I don't know!" Alby yelled back as Newt began screaming and lashing out again in any way he could. "We need to sedate him! Something's really messed up in his mind!"

Jeff immediately followed Alby's instructions, leaving Clint to hold both of Newt's legs down. "Hold his arm still!" Jeff yelled, holding up a shiny needle.

Newt felt a sharp pinch in his bicep, and his body and mind began to relax, but before he could be pulled under he hissed at Alby, "Why would you do this? I hate you!" And then he slipped into absolute darkness.

Sorry for the long update! I'll try to be better with that now! But anyways, hope you enjoyed and sorry for the depressing chapters. It's gonna start to be happy soon. Have a nice day my good readers!


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