On the Brink of Insanity

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Two years. Two years they had been stuck in the Glade. Two years they had been searching the Maze for a way out. After two years, Newt had lost any hopes of ever getting out. He just wanted to get out that horrid, wretched place, one way or another. And from what he had heard from those who had gone through the Changing, it didn't really sound like heading into the real world would be all that grea. Cities burning, civilization destroyed, the Flare... No. He would not be going back there.

            "Ah!" Newt put his hand over his eyes before swatting at the beetle blade shining into his eyes as it pulled him from the dark thoughts coursing through his mind.

The mechanical lizard didn't move — it simply sat and watched him. Newt shook his head to clear the fog that had settled over his mind, and then looked down from his position on the wall, his limbs tangled in the thick ivy, to see how high he had climbed in the past couple hours. He determined he only needed to climb a bit higher before he could say goodbye to the world.

As he continued to pull himself up the Maze walls, Newt thought of everything that had been taken from him by the Creators — and for seemingly no reason but to torture the Gladers into insanity. He imagined killing the Creators — stabbing them unpityingly as they begged for mercy. That was his one and only wish — for the Creators to be dead by his hand. But since that was impossible, he could at least ruin their experiment to the best of his ability.

Newt tried to clear his head once again — nearly the fifth time since he had begun climbing — so he could concentrate on the task that lay before him. So he could focus on his inevitable fate.

His thoughts then began to drift to his friends: Alby, Mihno, Frypan, and even Gally. Stop. Newt didn't want to think about that. He couldn't think about that. Thinking of what his decision would do to his friends was more than he could bear, but thankfully, Newt wouldn't have to ever face his guilt after his decision was finally made.

Once he had reached a height of about thirty feet off the ground, Newt turned to the beetle blade, which had followed him, revealing his actions to the Creators, and spat with a thick British accent, "Watch this, you bloody shanks! Look at what you've done to us! I hope you're bloody happy with yourselves!"

Then, before his resolve could be weakened, Newt turned and jumped.

Okay, so this is depressing... sorry. Anyways, hope you liked. Please comment what you thought so I know if I should continue. Thanks!


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