Tour Packing (Narry)

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Harry's PoV:

I'm very excited for starting my tour. Without anybody else's inputs but my team and I. No other music artists. But I do miss the lads. I will always. But I see one of them the most. Niall.

It's no secret that we're together. Many fans, in fact most of our fans, 'ship' us. So when they found out me and Niall began to date. They were overjoyed.

"Hey Hazza. You excited? It's your tour."

"So excited Ni." I beamed. I may be younger than Niall but I bloody well act older than him. Especially if he had one drink too many.

"I'm so proud of you baby." Niall smiled and pecked my lips. I quickly returned the kiss and grinned.

"I'm so fucking excited Ni. I can't believe it. A tour for my albums. For me. And I get to show you photos along the way!" I rushed. Excitement obvious.

"Okay baby. Calm down a little. I love seeing you so happy." Niall had a happy look on his face. I hugged him tight.

"Thank you Ni."

"What for?"


"You're very welcome dear. Now let's go get you ready for your tour." I nodded and jumped off the couch and practically ran upstairs. I could hear Niall come up as I began to pack. Stealing a few of Niall's clothes even though he's slightly shorter than me.

"Hazz what are you doing?"

"I'm taking your clothes."

"But baby I need them."

"You can always get more." I gave him a cheeky smile. Niall eye rolled but gave a caring smile.

"I'm gonna miss you." He started. I frowned and looked at the floor. An idea struck me and I looked up immediately.

"Come with me."


"Yeah. Please Ni? I don't want to leave you for ages." I could see Niall thinking for a minute before he nodded.

"Okay then. I'll pack." I squealed and hugged Niall which he returned.

"Thank you!" I yelled happily. Niall smiled and kissed my cheek. I pulled away and sat on the bed as he began to pack his belongings.


"Yes my love?"

"Um.." I suddenly got nervous. The feeling of rejection isn't the best.

"Baby wha'ts wrong?" Niall asked. He was worried.

"Oh um.. I-It's stupid.."

"Baby.. if it's worrying you tell me." I sighed and glanced at him before looking at the floor.


"I want to have sex with you soon." I rushed. Niall's face stayed the same. A worried look. But he slowly started to show a smile.

"Are you sure you're ready? I dont want to force you to do anything you're not comfortable with."

"I'm ready Ni." I looked at him. He nodded slowly.

"Okay then. If you're sure." I smiled and cuddled into him. He wrapped his arms around me and we sat for a while like that.


"Yes Niall?"

"I love you. You know that, right?"

"Of course I do. I love you too."

"Good." He stated with a smile.

"Good." I replied with a smile.

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